I schedule "my life" on a monthly calendar. I just log in five or six (at the most) daily appointments
or events. I don't want to keep an hourly or even weekly account; I want a look at a greater expanse
of time. I just bought next year's, the first one I've had with a red cover, ever I think. Nothing fancy,
no leather cover, but plenty of extra pages -- I tape in tickets from events, obits, photos, fortune cookie
slips, and all manner of items from the year's doings. It's part calendar, part diary and part journal. Notes
about pipes, tobaccos, and accessories woven in. This one's made by At-A-Glance; last year's was modeled
the same but was cheaper from Office Max. This one was about $25, which for an annual expense isn't too
bad. It lies open to the left of my computer. I try not to make too many other lists and/or schedules, though
sometimes I have lists of errands or shopping lists on small tags of paper in my wallet. Don't like post-it notes;
they proliferate.
or events. I don't want to keep an hourly or even weekly account; I want a look at a greater expanse
of time. I just bought next year's, the first one I've had with a red cover, ever I think. Nothing fancy,
no leather cover, but plenty of extra pages -- I tape in tickets from events, obits, photos, fortune cookie
slips, and all manner of items from the year's doings. It's part calendar, part diary and part journal. Notes
about pipes, tobaccos, and accessories woven in. This one's made by At-A-Glance; last year's was modeled
the same but was cheaper from Office Max. This one was about $25, which for an annual expense isn't too
bad. It lies open to the left of my computer. I try not to make too many other lists and/or schedules, though
sometimes I have lists of errands or shopping lists on small tags of paper in my wallet. Don't like post-it notes;
they proliferate.