2 Rightful spots in the Pipe Rack (pic heavy)

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 29, 2012
28 years ago,I was given these as a gift from someone who had been a sailor on the Great Lakes, while we were working together in the auto industry. He was also a pipe smoker, but had moved on from these to Nordings and Ben Wades. When he gave them to me, he gave me the excuse that they were taking up Valueable Pipe Rack space, and that I should have them restemmed cause a good seasoned pipe should always find a home in someones care. The original stems were pretty ratty and pretty much chewed down to nubs. He called it wave bite. LOL Over the years these pipes have moved with me to several different locales, but have always managed to find a spot in my rack, ratty stems and all. I have always kept them as is, since he has been long gone, and I kinda looked at them more in a nostalgic light. So last month, at the better half's request, I sent them out to Paul's Pipe Shop here in Michigan and they did a beautiful job of replacing the stems and bringing new life to them. I haven't yet smoked them, as that will come this week when I make my annual pilgrimage to Engineers Day at the Soo locks ( I also have FCD; Freighter Chasing Disorder, or as my kids say, I am a Boatnerd.) I will sit and find a quite little place at the Locks Park or maybe head out to a couple of favorite beaches on Lake Superior and take in a bowl and remember my friend, imagine where these bowls have voyaged across the Lakes and what they have "seen", and hopefully take in a nice sunset.






Mar 30, 2012
Great story and very cool pipes. Love hearing stories of my home state. I was up in Grayling a couple of weeks ago and scoured for used pipes. No luck this trip but I tend to see them more in Michigan than Tennessee. I think the weather there is perfect for pipe smoking and may be I see more of them. It just gets way to hot down here sometimes.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 7, 2011
Awesome. A fantastic way to remember an old friend. Everyone should be so lucky to have such means to remember their old friends.



Dec 28, 2011
Topeka, KS
What a great story, Bee, and what a wonderful way to remember an old friend.
I've got a few pipes in my collection that came from somebody I admired immensely. They're rarely smoked but my pipe racks would be incomplete without their presence.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
I love the fact that old pipes always have a story to be told or discovered - but those two really look like they could speak! Good move getting them re-stemmed. They sure look like proper pipes for a boatman!

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