By Request. here are the steps I took in restoring this pipe:
1 - Soak stem in concentrated solution of hot water and Oxyclean
2 - removed tar and cake on rim with terry towel and saliva - This step took longest.Done this way to avoid removing any wood or stain*
3 - Scrape cake off chamber with pipe knife
4 - Wipe chamber with alcohol
5 - Clean air passage and mortise with alcohol
6 - Scrape dirt and particles out of grooves with back of thin knife blade
7 - Return to stem and let strummel dry
8 - Scrub stem with Oxyclean solution using Magic Sponge
19 - Clean out air passage of stem with fine bristle brush & pipe cleaners
10 - Return to strummel while stem is drying
11 - Sand bowl with Micro Mesh starting with 3200 grit and progressing to 8000 grit**
12 - Wax bowl
13 - Sand Stem with Micro Mesh with 3200 grit
14 - Buff stem with 6" variable speed bench grinder at lowest RPMs using white diamond
15 - Reassemble pipe and hand buff with 100% cotton flannel rag.
*Just keep putting spit on your rag and vigorously scrubbing the rim. It takes time but eventually all will come off except charred wood, if any.
HERE is a source of micro mesh