It took me a while to actually come around to liking Dunhill,
then I experienced a sudden shift of opinion and went into a full-fledged White Spot fever!
I'm not ashamed to admit that I am a Dunhill enthusiast.
Another awesome post Troy! :clap:
I fully recognize your words. It also took a while for me to like Dunhill. I was my believe that it was for snobs, and I hate snobs.. So I took a liking to Peterson, the working man's pipe. Until out of curiosity I bought a cheap Dunhill from a fellow forum member and I started to read about the Dunhill history, I love history

And yes, I also have a lot to thank to John Loring. That Dunhill pipe smoked better than all my Petersons combined so I started buying more estate Dunhills (I will never buy a new one) which resulted in me getting rid off my small Peterson collection (still have a couple left but those are rarely smoked). In my opinion Dunhill has the best all-around pipes. Yes, some other pipes smoke drier, some taste better but all-around I like Dunhill best. And especially the pre-'68 ones.