I do have a question for any of you that might know...when I started doing the wet MicroMesh process on the stem I noticed the water turning brown as I sanded. And it kept doing it the more I sanded. Now I was using the lowest grit MM, but that's about 1500 grit so it's not taking much off.
However, I do wonder when the brown water will stop? Is the brown water just myself stripping the oxidation off? If so I'd have to keep going until the oxidation is removed and I am down to the good stuff right? Or should I have let the stem soak in bleach longer (it wasn't rough when I took it out)?
On the other hand, the rest of the stem looks great, and is mostly a uniform color.
I have restored a stem previously, but it was only a few years worth of oxidation and use, not 70, so it didn't take much work! hehe That was basically an hour soaking in bleach, some micromeshing, and a little polishing and that was as good as new.
However, I do wonder when the brown water will stop? Is the brown water just myself stripping the oxidation off? If so I'd have to keep going until the oxidation is removed and I am down to the good stuff right? Or should I have let the stem soak in bleach longer (it wasn't rough when I took it out)?
On the other hand, the rest of the stem looks great, and is mostly a uniform color.
I have restored a stem previously, but it was only a few years worth of oxidation and use, not 70, so it didn't take much work! hehe That was basically an hour soaking in bleach, some micromeshing, and a little polishing and that was as good as new.