That looks great to me, back from the days when Dunhill wasn't an unattainable luxury item but just a quality factory pipe. It was almost as good as a Kaywoodie in those days. Looks super.
My marching orders for this batch of old Dunhills was "museum grade" duplication, and the sort of details you refer to are definitely what make-or-break the final result. They're also where the devil resides. It turns out that the "fingerprints" left by specific factory machines on Old Stuff in general is what's most difficult to replicate later on.
Looks great, always good to see your work. I think the craggy finish on these shells is my favorite when it comes to Dunhill. Incidentally, mine's also from 1926.
He who consumes vast quantities of B. taurus skeletal muscle came across a remarkably good batch of early Shells in rough condition, and is intent on bringing them back to new.