Simpler time? Really? It was so simple I doubt the majority of today's population could go back and survive the stress of simple survival. Hell, we don't even have to work. Food gets delivered from ... well, somewhere, who cares where? If you couldn't grow it you probably didn't eat. Families had children ti ease the work load. No control of disease (Well, that's fairly similar to the present.) People had to depend on each other for survival when times were tough. Life seems simple to us, today, but, it was a damned tough way to live when compared to life today.
I suppose one could see life as simpler back then when maintaining "life" was the predominant concern. There were no hospitals in the rural areas, a serious wound might be attended by a doctor. More than likely healing was dependent on time and the concern of a family member. Travel time was measured in days at the speed of a train at best and on foot normally. Rural labor needs handled with oxen, mules, etc or simple one family member in harness, another steering the plow.
Today we take life as pretty much a given. Now days we can devote time to worrying about all of the things we have no control. We have all sorts of time to philosophize, watch TV, take vacations, be self-centered, etc. We have the simpler life today. Each succeeding generation seems to have a simpler life.
Imagine a life with no ... peanut butter.