1776 Tavern review

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Jun 16, 2011
This is my first attempt at a review, so please go easy on me! I got my sample of 1776 Tavern yesterday, and was pleasantly surprised at the size of the sample, they also included a sample of their "bargain pipe tobacco" with it. I figured I'd give this one a shot in my CAO Meer to really see what it was like. This blend is marketed as a heavy English and that is the main reason I selected it as my free sample. Their description of it is:"(Heavy English) Created for the smoker who enjoys the rich natural flavors of quality tobaccos blended without flavorings. We combine the purest quality Turkish Mahala, Yenidje broad cut, Samsoun, Cavalla, Dubek, Red Virginia, Burley, and of course Latakia." This blend was very easy to requiring only one relight after the initial char light. This has to be one of the smoothest English blends I have ever smoked, I think I would have to disagree with their accessment of it being a full or heavy English though because I didn't think the Latakia was as much in the forefront as I would expect from a heavy English. To me the Orientals are what took the lead, at least for the first 2/3's of the bowl. This is one blend that to me, had no tongue bite at all, as hard as I tried to make it bite. I experienced the usual campfire smokiness from the Latakia, along with a good dose of spiciness from the Orientals, but what I kept getting hints of that I wan't expecting was a kind of sweetness reminescent of toasted marshmallows or caramel, (from the Virginias I'd guess) but I wouldn't say it was a bad thing. Aften spending about 45 minutes of total enjoyment, all that was left was fine,white ash, with no dottle at all. All in all, this is a wonderful blend, and I'm looking forward to another bowl later this evening in my Caminetto to see how it smokes in a briar. I will update this if my opinion changes any after smoking a few more bowls, but as of right now, I would highly recommend it to anyone who loves English blends, or to an aro smoker who wants to try an english blend. As a sidenote, I can't say much about the roomnote of this since I have to smoke outside, but imagine it would fall under the catagory of tolerable as most English blends are to anyone who isn't crazy about the smell of Latakia. If you want a sample, try this link: http://www.sterlingtobaccoco.com/



Oct 20, 2010
I actually smoked the same blend earlier today. I normally prefer aromatics, but enjoy this blend.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 19, 2010
Excellent Review! Keep on writing friend. Your notes on the tobacco flavors of Tavern were spot on.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Thanks for the review.

I love Latakia as long as it doesn't overpower everything else.

I like Balkan's but prefer those blends that stand on the Orientals for their real character.

I may have to give it a try.

PS: Moved the thread to Pipe Tobacco Review. L



Jun 16, 2011
Thanks for the kind words you guys! Getting ready to try another bowl of it in my Caminetto to see how it smoke in a briar.

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