Might depend on which nursing home.Also, as you get older, the more you tell yourself WTF, like I want to live 20 more years anyways? I figure that if I live to see 70, I am going to start trying things that I just never saw any appeal in, like maybe smoke me some of that LSD or pot stuff. Try out over drinking more. See what I may have been missing out on. I'll be the hippest old man in the nursing home.
At this rate, maybe in five more years you'll know exactly what tobaccos you like.
I did say “maybe,” ha ha!I disagree. I have been smoking for more than 5 years and I still don't know what tobaccos I like. There are too many blends to try.
I did say “maybe,” ha ha!
at 100 bowls a year, thats just a few tins a year, pending pipe size. I’d forget what the previous bowl tasted lile before the next one.
You heavy handed moderators and your fancy buttons, ha ha!You know that I can edit that out right?