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  1. rgoyer

    My Little Collection

    Awesome collection man! How long have you been collecting? Welcome 👊
  2. rgoyer

    How Often Do You Rub Out Flakes.

    I rub out my flakes all the time. Everytime I've tried the fold and stuff it never works. So rubbing it out it is.
  3. rgoyer

    Away for Awhile.

    Also from ON! Nice to see a other piper from not too far away!
  4. rgoyer

    Away for Awhile.

    Hey folks! Im back to the forums after a long hiatus. I want to talk to other pipe smokers about this great hobby. Excited to meet other like minded people. I hope everyone is well! Happy puffing!
  5. rgoyer

    4Noggins - Tobacconists - Missing In Action?

    I personally have never had a problem ordering from 4noggins. I'm also Canadian so I understand where Beowulf if coming from.
  6. rgoyer

    How Do You Spend Your Evenings?

    After my 3 daughters are in bed ages 3, 5 and 7 the wife and I usually watch netflix and relax. I work at 6:30am so the days o staying up late are long gone.
  7. rgoyer

    Hey from Canada

    Hows the weather out there lately? I've heard it could be one extreme to the other. Ontario is finally seeing some signs of fall. take care!
  8. rgoyer

    Hey from Canada

    Thank man! Happy to be here!
  9. rgoyer

    Hey from Canada

    I plan on it. Enjoy the evening!
  10. rgoyer

    Hey from Canada

    Thanks for the kind words. I'm also from Ontario. I just have to put my head down and quit the cigarettes. That way I can enjoy my pipes more often.
  11. rgoyer

    Hey from Canada

    Hey folks! I have b een away from these forums for quite sometime. I have also not smoked my pipes as often as I should. They have taken a back burner to cigarettes. Which I plan on changing. I just wanted to really immerse myself back into my pipes and tobacco also the pipe community. I hope...
  12. rgoyer

    New Members, Introduce Yourself!

    Hey all!! I've been smoking pipe for about 2 years. Im also from Canada so zi buy my tobacco online because taxes are crazy up here!! Excited to be here and to chat with fellow pipers!!
  13. rgoyer


    Escudo Bayou Morning Haunted Bookshop McClelland 5110 Firestorm