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  1. J

    What Are You Wearing in Public Today While Smoking Your Pipe?

    T-shirt, bluejeans, and sneakers; are there other clothes?
  2. J

    March 2010 - What are you smoking?

    Smoking Balkan Supreme from a Missouri Meerschaum while enjoying a few beers. Trying to remember to use the bic and not the zippo to light things up! :D
  3. J

    Remedies for tongue burn.

    Thanks Jonesing for the comment. Honey and I do not get along; it burns the throat going down and burns the stomach for a while. I think it's that old age thing creeping on me! Going to go out and buy a metal cane so I beat on the young whipper-snappers without breaking it. :D
  4. J

    Remedies for tongue burn.

    The aloe juice seems right up my ally. To hell with the juice though; I'm buying several plants! Not sure what blend bit the hell out of my tongue, but something did. I'm not liking the aspect where tongue bite is an after effect. Some of the blends I have smoked so far seem to aggravate it...
  5. J

    March 2010 - What are you smoking?

    MM cob Strike Force with strong, black coffee.
  6. J

    Best Movie Lines

    Frankly my dear; I don't give a damn. Loved the expression on Cary Grant's face while he said it.
  7. J

    March 2010 - What are you smoking?

    Oh Hells Bells I know exactly where that is. It's about 15-20 min away from me depending on I-70 traffic!
  8. J

    March 2010 - What are you smoking?

    Let's see first bowl of the day Mac Baren latakia blend in a MM. Second bowl in another MM Balkan Supreme, couple hours later Mc Clelland rose of latakia in a cooled MM. Hell Mc Clelland is in home town! couple hours later SJ Rimboche in other MM. (wasn't too bad in a pipe). Finished up...
  9. J

    Welcome new members. Introduce yourselves.

    Thanks for the welcome all. Nice to see you here as well Matt; I've seen a few nicks that look familiar. Thanks Bob for the welcome; I've got even more information to use now.
  10. J

    Favorite type of pipe tobacco

    Let's see what is my fav. Almost any with Latakia or Perique. I really like AB Rimboche from D&R, well damn near all the D&R blends. I have some PS Balkan Supreme and some Proper English. I got a Latakia sampler from P&C and I like most of them. Still trying to figure the folding trick with...
  11. J

    Welcome new members. Introduce yourselves.

    Ok, just jumping in here: Hi everyone, I've visited the site off and on for a while. I decided today I may as well say something. I'm at the very edge of learning pipe smoking, but I will get it down one of these days. Have a few Missouri Meerschaum on the way and I already have some pipe...