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  1. S

    Smoking Willow Bark

    Thanks for bringing up this string again. And thanks jazzlover for the link to Columbines. I don't know about willow bark, but as a boy I tried smoking dried willow leaves in a pipe made from what the locals called briar. I much prefer tobacco in a pipe made from Erica arborea-type briar!
  2. S

    Filter Question

    Thanks to all who replied. I guess I'll pass on that Rattray's Bull and Dog after all. Beautiful pipe, though.
  3. S

    Filter Question

    I've recently developed a yen for a pipe offered online. Trouble is that the pipe has a 9mm filter. Can I just pull it out and throw it away like Medico filters in cob pipes? Will I then have at least potentially a pipe with an easy draw?