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24 Fresh Rossi Pipes
12 Fresh Neerup Pipes
9 Fresh Winslow Pipes
18 Fresh Estate Pipes
120 Fresh Peterson Pipes

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  1. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2020?***

    GLP JackKnife (rr) in a no-name Santa Claus figural meer, with coffee and the morning paper.
  2. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2020?***

    C&D Billy Budd Blonde in a cavalier figural meer by Medet, with coffee and the morning paper.
  3. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2020?***

    GLP JackKnife (rr) in a cavalier figural meer by Medet, with hot chicken broth.
  4. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2020?***

    D&R Ramback Gold tweaked with Perique & DFK, in a Shakespeare figural meer by Bağlan, with coffee.
  5. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2020?***

    Escudo in a no-name Santa Claus figural meer, with coffee and the morning paper.
  6. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2020?***

    GLP Embarcadero in a no-name Santa Claus figural meer, with coffee.
  7. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2020?***

    GLP Navigator in a Shakespeare figural meer by Bağlan, with coffee.
  8. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2020?***

    Esoterica Dunbar in a cavalier figural meer by Medet, with coffee and the morning paper.
  9. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2020?***

    Mac Baren HH Old Dark Fired (rr) in a Shakespeare figural meer by Bağlan, with iced tea.
  10. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2020?***

    Sutliff Match Elizabethan in a no-name Santa Claus figural meer, with coffee. Seems inappropriate to be smoking a Christmas theme pipe in early Spring, but I'm trying to develop at least a little color by next Christmas. Besides, it's a great smoking pipe.
  11. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2020?***

    Happy birthday kg.legat0 !!! Welcome, Backwoods Briar !!! Woke up with Russ Ouellette's Fire Storm in an Ardor Urano "Fantasy" rusticated bent egg, with coffee and the morning paper. Now smoking C&D Bayou Morning (c. 2010) in a cavalier figural meer by Medet, with coffee.
  12. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2020?***

    GLP Cairo in a no-name classic claw & egg meer, with iced tea.
  13. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2020?***

    Waiting for the charring light to grow cold on a bowl of Escudo in a Shakespeare figural meer by Bağlan, with iced tea.
  14. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2020?***

    GLP Navigator in a cavalier figural meer by Medet, with coffee.
  15. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2020?***

    D&R Ramback Gold tweaked with Perique & DFK, in a no-name Santa Claus figural meer, with coffee and the morning paper.
  16. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2020?***

    Dan Tobacco Limerick in a Shakespeare figural meer by Bağlan, with coffee.
  17. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2020?***

    GLP Embarcadero in a no-name classic claw & egg meer, with coffee and the morning paper.
  18. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2020?***

    GLP Navigator in a cavalier figural meer by Medet, with coffee and the morning paper.
  19. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2020?***

    I had some router problems. Earlier, it was Russ Ouellette's Fire Storm in a Tinsky Christmas 2011 edition sandblasted bulldog, with coffee. Now, It's GLP Embarcadero in a cavalier figural meer by Medet, with coffee and the morning paper.
  20. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2020?***

    Russ Ouellette's Fire Storm in a cavalier figural meer by Medet, with coffee and the morning paper.