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  1. E

    Breaking in an Uncoated New Pipe

    In my book, this is a perfect break in. +1
  2. E

    Greetings from Spain

    That would be "empapado", soaked. 😊
  3. E

    Greetings from Spain

    You're very welcome. That's excellent! We are transferring from Plaza de Santa Ana to a new venue, because the Santa Ana place is closing down. We had our very last meeting there last Thursday. But the new one is going to live up to the expectations. I'm actually meeting Ricardo in a while to...
  4. E

    Greetings from Spain

    Thank you all for the warm welcome! Seville is indeed a lovely place @Doctor Chopper ! I lived in Wilmington, DE for a couple of years long time ago. I had the chance to visit many places in the US. Primarily, the East Coast between Washington and Boston. Also Las Vegas and San Francisco. I...
  5. E

    Greetings from Spain

    I'm travelling to Vera in a few weeks time, staying there for one month. I usually spend my summers there.
  6. E

    Greetings from Spain

    Gracias, John. Are you in Madrid, or elsewhere?
  7. E

    Greetings from Spain

    Yes, most (if not all) the Peterson bowls come from the Bruken factory in Valencia, Spain. They are lately finished locally in Ireland.
  8. E

    Greetings from Spain

    That would be great, I am a member of CAP Madrid (Club de Amigos de la Pipa). We meet every Thursday evening. Not at the Pepe Botella anymore, but we found a new place that I'm sure you will like. Don't hesitate to contact if you come by and we'll gladly invite you to join!
  9. E

    Greetings from Spain

    No particular reason, Empipado would loosely translate here as "the one with the pipe". I hope it doesn't have a different nuance in LatAm Spanish 😅.
  10. E

    Greetings from Spain

    Thank you everyone! I'm glad to join and eager to learn and share my experiences.
  11. E

    Greetings from Spain

    My name is Luis, 48, from Madrid (Spain). I have been pipe smoking regularly since February. I'm quite enjoying my pipe smoking discovery journey. I have tried so far around 15 different blends, mainly Euro manufactured (they are more easily available here). Favorite ones are ex Dunhill...