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24 Fresh Nørding Pipes
12 Fresh Tsuge Pipes
2 Fresh Scott Klein Pipes
18 Fresh Estate Pipes
9 Fresh Caminetto Pipes

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  1. Tigergrad03

    Pipe Collection

    I understand that for sure. I've just made the personal choice not to use a pipe that depicts a "god" other than my own.
  2. Tigergrad03

    Pipe Collection

    I just acquired this (haven't even got it in the mail yet). From what I can find the "Frank" logo is a S.M. Frank logo. I know Frank invested in KBB. I'm guess it's before that era. Is it meerschaum? I can find little to nothing about this pipe. Can y'all help me out with a little history and...
  3. Tigergrad03

    Pipe Collection

    I have a nice honey pot from MO meerschaum. It smokes a local aromatic very well. I have really enjoyed it so far. I have a meerschaum face pipe that's some Roman God of wine that looks really cool but I have refrained from smoking it after I found out it was a face of a pagan God. I'm a...
  4. Tigergrad03

    S.M. Frank History and Information

    I have a S.M. Frank meerschaum. I can find little to nothing about this pipe. Can y'all help me out with a little history and possibly a value. Thanks
  5. Tigergrad03

    Peterson Mark Twain

    Thanks again. Y'all are the best
  6. Tigergrad03

    Peterson Mark Twain

    1981 according to this chart. Very cool but not my birth year.
  7. Tigergrad03

    Peterson Mark Twain

    Okay, I'll check this out and let y'all know what I got. I'm hoping for my 1985 birth year.
  8. Tigergrad03

    Peterson Mark Twain

    CAn anyone tell me how to date my Peterson Mark Twain edition. It does not have numbers on it so I know at least it's from 1983-90s.
  9. Tigergrad03

    Pipe Collection

    This is exactly why I posted the question. I want 100 different answers from 50 that all changed their minds once lol. I have already had suggestions that I myself wouldn't have thought of. I want a solid collection of very quality pipes that all smoke very well. I will be smoking most of them...
  10. Tigergrad03

    Pipe Collection

    Okay, I'll get a list of what I have together. I have a whole hodge podge of different pipes. I'm new to Seoul's smoking pipes and trying to figure out what I like the most. So far it's the Peterson system pipes.
  11. Tigergrad03

    Pipe Collection

    Love this, thanks a lot. I definitely agree with quality over quantity for sure. Thanks for the list getting some great ideas for sure. Today is my anniversary 18th actually with the only woman I have ever loved. I guess I'm doing it correctly. Thank you gentlemen
  12. Tigergrad03

    Pipe Collection

    Other women! Ha, that is great. I'm excited about this for sure. I hear ya on the peterson's. They are cool but I'd be lost forever trying to find them all.
  13. Tigergrad03

    Pipe Collection

    Great suggestions guys. I really do appreciate the time and advice for a new guy. I'll be doing some looking for sure and I'll have a gander at those seconds as well. Thanks again
  14. Tigergrad03

    Pipe Collection

    Those are very old for sure. Is there anything or any brand that I should stay away from when looking around?
  15. Tigergrad03

    Pipe Collection

    Awesome suggestions, I'll start with this and see if they are up my alley. Thanks again.
  16. Tigergrad03

    Pipe Collection

    I do not have a stanwell or any savinellis. I do have 2 Larsens and they are cool smokers. What do y'all think about the older kbb chesterfields, or the older kaywoodies?
  17. Tigergrad03

    Pipe Collection

    Yea man, just looking for some suggestions on must haves.
  18. Tigergrad03

    Pipe Collection

    I like those a lot. I have a few of them and they just smoke so well. I'm very impressed with the quality. I have a centennial pipe with the box, pic, and scroll for the system from 1990. It's very cool.