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  1. gord

    An Alternative Technique to Avoid Tongue Bite

    There's another factor, probably related, a friend of mine has brought up. He finds his lips get as "bitten" as his tongue. I've found this a factor, too. I just suffered a bit of a cold, and got chapped lips. That wasn't pleasant. Anybody else here experienced the "lip factor" ? Enquiring...
  2. gord

    An Alternative Technique to Avoid Tongue Bite

    It's been really interesting re-visiting this posts after many months of absence, and see from my own posts that I have grown as a smoker. Getting REAL slow has been the best solution, and re-using meer chips valuable especially that I have drifted into Orientals which have much more variety of...
  3. gord

    An Alternative Technique to Avoid Tongue Bite

    Yes. I am thankful I have a P-Lip. Has come to the rescue filled with Latakia or Pirate Kake on many occasions, when I've been breaking in pipes.
  4. gord

    Your Best Cheap Pipe; Here's Mine; Let's See Yours!

    It's been my experience, being a half and half myself, that eventually one takes on the best qualities of each half. You may be a lucky man!! I'm devious, obnoxious, scholarly and conservative. As a matter of fact, I'm SURE you're a lucky man! And you're Australian to boot. Sounds like a win -...
  5. gord

    Your Best Cheap Pipe; Here's Mine; Let's See Yours!

  6. gord

    Your Best Cheap Pipe; Here's Mine; Let's See Yours!

    They sure do! Found it! Next order for sure! Thanks! Here it is if others want to try! On sale now, too!
  7. gord

    Your Best Cheap Pipe; Here's Mine; Let's See Yours!

    Being half English myself (the other have is thank God, Polish), I've realized from having many Scottish friends, is that they are basically, outside of the Pict/Celt things, basically English with brains. Tough to categorize these people, like English tobaccos. Certainly devious, though! And...
  8. gord

    New Arrival - They Are Proliferating Like Rabbits

    Lol! In my case, given the rather chaotic situation with a sick dog and complete disarray in my house, that might be more of a problem than you think! :eek: Can't keep up with things. Will do my best!
  9. gord

    New Arrival - They Are Proliferating Like Rabbits

    You are absolutely right about that stem thing . . . . have to hold it there. I tend to want to wrap my hand around the bowl. Not good. Fortunately I have two other straight pipes about the same length as the meer. I've been smoking them in between, and getting used to holding them by their...
  10. gord

    New Arrival - They Are Proliferating Like Rabbits

    You seem to have a well rounded education! Yeah, avoid the requiems of any composer lol! Especially the Mozart or Verdi! For relaxation and contemplation, I often go to a Corelli Concerto Grosso, Vivaldi's Four Seasons, or some piano music of Debussy, ie Clair de la Lune or some of the Preludes...
  11. gord

    New Arrival - They Are Proliferating Like Rabbits

    All that being said, I notice that there are varying opinions on the ghosting factor. Simply, I am not experienced enough with meers to have any definitive opinions. I have three - a 4" miniature in soft meer, which I have "dedicated" to cherry aromatics principally Capt Black Cherry Cavendish...
  12. gord

    On Smoking Slowly and the Benefits...

    I'll second this post, and add here that I have copied Cosmicfolklore's article, pasted it, printed it out, and put it into my "smoking book." It's well worth doing. The best synopsis of slow smoking I've read. Be assured, sir, that your words eventually penetrate our thick heads!! :LOL...
  13. gord

    New Arrival - They Are Proliferating Like Rabbits

    It's not that tiny . . . it's 6 1/2 inches long. It also weighs considerably less than my 6" straight Brigham, the nearest pipe in size and shape I can compare it to. The Brigham also has much thinner walls.
  14. gord

    New Arrival - They Are Proliferating Like Rabbits

    It came with a certification that it was made in Turkey 50 years ago, and the seller guarantees it. Her father was a pipe dealer and she inherited his collection. She is highly rated on EvilBay. I will certainly follow your holding the stem advice. Thanks.
  15. gord

    New Arrival - They Are Proliferating Like Rabbits

    I'm viewed as a complete weirdo in that direction. I listen to Wagner and Bartok for relaxation. Most of my friends are not musicians. But to their credit, they often ask me to put on some music. For whatever reason, they all like Wagner! Especially the Ring Cycle! The Ride of the Walkeries...
  16. gord

    New Arrival - They Are Proliferating Like Rabbits

    Never heard of the Roula song. cray Now things are starting to make sense. :ROFLMAO:
  17. gord

    New Arrival - They Are Proliferating Like Rabbits

    Yeah, probably. :ROFLMAO: Just filling my pipe with Sunday Picnic for the upcoming ordeal, and no, I did not lick it. There was a piece of tobacco on my pipe exterior, and I tried to blow it off. Wouldn't budge. Licked my finger to wipe it off, and my finger stuck. Went into panic mode...
  18. gord

    New Arrival - They Are Proliferating Like Rabbits

    What is the "lick and stick" test? I don't want to find out by crass experimentation! Especially as this pipe is plain and will obviously get a few scuffs in it's travels.
  19. gord

    New Arrival - They Are Proliferating Like Rabbits

    Just did what you said. Yeah, it's a drill mark, and I think a single meer chip, ragged enought to block the hole but let the draft pass (I've done this in several of my briars that have center draft holes, notably a couple of small churchwardens . . . .) and it works very well indeed. Might...
  20. gord

    New Arrival - They Are Proliferating Like Rabbits

    I was thinking that myself . . . . I've used them to real advantage in several of my pipes that were balky. In this pipe then, I can also "cure" the chips for the fodder. I use a single small, ragged chip in almost all of my center holed pipes - keeps the drain clear for sure and doesn't affect...