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9 Fresh Castello Pipes
23 Fresh White Elephant Pipes
48 Fresh Savinelli Pipes
120 Fresh Ropp Pipes
18 Fresh Rossi Pipes

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  1. Dr. Internet

    Jim's 50th Pipe Smoking Anniversary.

    Congratulations, a worthy accomplishment. I have been puffing for 58 years and still going strong! My first pipe, a MM, is long gone, but it was replaced and I still have one in rotation. Wishing you many more years of briar satisfaction.
  2. Dr. Internet

    Your First Pipe

    Being born and raised in MIssouri (KC), it had to be a MM, with a pouch of Captain Black (aarrrgh!) and a tin of Original Borkum Riff around 1967. Smoked through the rest of HS and all through college and the Navy. Burned it up, finally, in Iceland!
  3. Dr. Internet

    Can You Identify this Pipe?

    I'm no expert, but I think it is a Soren hand-carved pipe made from plateau (or plateux) briar, similar to my Pete Plato pipe. Here's a web site with some pix Soren Hand Carved Made In Denmark Pipes – rebornpipes -
  4. Dr. Internet

    Pipe Sighting at the Movies

    If you like Maigret, try to catch the French version with Bruno Cremer. Much more interesting in French. Also, English subtitles. Bruno Cremer has moved on to greener pastures, RIP, taken down by cancer of the toungue and pharnyx -- but not from the pipe. He chain smoked little Punch cigars...
  5. Dr. Internet

    Meerschaum Prices

    I did not mean to imply that it is fragile. What I meant was that it doesn't wear out, and aside from physical damage, it will last a long, long time. Sorry for the poor choice of words.
  6. Dr. Internet

    Meerschaum Prices

    One of the nice things about meerschaum is that, unless dropped, it lasts almost forever. I bought two estate meers about 30 years ago for $50 each from a local dealer. They had been thoroughly cleaned and smoked like new. I still smoke and enjoy them.
  7. Dr. Internet

    Zippo customer service

    I bought a Zippo lighter in 1969 at boot camp, with the USN brass anchor. The top broke about 5 years ago and I sent it in. I got it back in 4 days with a new hinge and a nice note thanking me for my service. I bought a dedicated pipe lighter from Zippo about 3 years ago, but the Zippo...
  8. Dr. Internet

    Any Advice on Quitting Cigarettes?

    I started smoking cigarettes at 15 and smoked them until I was 35. Doctor told me I had asthma and walking pneumonia and would never see my kids graduate high school if I didn't stop. I went home, smoked my last cigarette and never smoked one again. Started smoking the pipe (again) at 36 and...
  9. Dr. Internet

    What "The Wife" Thinks

    For a long time, 20 years or so, no problem. Recently she stopped smoking. In order to support her decision, I have moved my smoking activites to the porch. In the morning, it's fine, but now that summer is here, the afternoons are out - 110 to 120 degrees is too hot for me! There's an...
  10. Dr. Internet

    Australian Pipe Smoking Site

    I spent a year in Adelaide back in 2004 on a large IT project. I had heard that pipe tobacco was sparse and expensive, so I loaded up. When I got to Customs in Sydney, the guys asked if I had any tobacco in my bags. I opened it up and their eyes popped out! They asked if I was planning to...
  11. Dr. Internet

    How Long Have You Smoked a Pipe?

    Started in 1966, soph yr of hs. smoked some cigs and cigars along the way, but 100% pipe these days, mostly Petes and old Dunhill blends.
  12. Dr. Internet

    House Blends

    Sorry, I just saw this post. If the store you visited has a name similar to a device used to keep cigars Humid, then their pipe tobacco comes to them in very large plastic bags. They don't blend their own tobacco. The business used to be a pipe and pipe tobacco business that sold some cigars...
  13. Dr. Internet

    Buying Multiples of the Same Pipe

    Hello, Bob, I don't play God, but I call upon help often. The name comes from the deep past, in the early days of the internet, or DARPAnet, as it was called then. I had to come up with a user name and Dr. Internet just popped into my head. I have used it for nearly 40 years. The avatar came...
  14. Dr. Internet

    Buying Multiples of the Same Pipe

    I like to smoke when I read and don't like a lot of fuss. I found the Pete Pub pipe to be an excellent smoke whilst reading, and it just goes on and on, so I have a few of them. I do have a Pete Plato, but can't justify the expense of another one. Also my favorite pipe of all time is the Pete...
  15. Dr. Internet

    Winter Weather Challenge

    We had a couple of cold fronts roll through; temp got down to about 19F, which is deadly cold for South Texas. Last night got about 3" of rain to clean the air of the mountain cedar. Now its 57F with pc skies and no wind. Sitting on the front porch with my Royal Yacht. Life is beautiful!
  16. Dr. Internet

    Smoking a Pipe First Thing in the Morning

    Real Navy coffee can only be had at sea, on a surface ship, not a sub or bird farm. The Navy brew starts out like this: The grades of Navy coffee: Grade 1 (the best) is always freshly brewed by the 'black gang' or engineering snipes that live in the engine room; the strongest, freshest blend...
  17. Dr. Internet

    Smoking a Pipe First Thing in the Morning

    Retired, but still get up early. Make a pot of Navy grade two coffee, which wipes out the toothpaste taste. Light up a regular sized bowl of EMP to start the day off right. Been doing so for several years and no ill effects, yet!
  18. Dr. Internet

    Hello from Kansas

    Hello! and welcome from San Antonio, from another displaced Kansan. Eight years in Johnson County, grew up across the line in KC.
  19. Dr. Internet

    Hello from Denmark!

    Hello! and welcome from San Antonio, TX
  20. Dr. Internet

    Hello from the United Kingdom

    Hello and welcome from San Antonio, Texas!