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  1. Sig

    May Become My #1

    Absolutely love Pirate Kake!! Second only to C&D Star of the East. SOTE only has 50% Latakia and is a bit more complex. You can really taste all the components. And, its sold in bulk and relatively inexpensive. How difficult is it to send tobacco to BC in the mail? Id be happy to send a few...
  2. Sig

    Pipe Smoking Insults - Post Them Here

    Im not easily insulted, but. After a 7 year break from pipe smoking, one of my first missions was to browse ebay for pipes. When I typed "smoking pipes" into the the search bar and found page after page of glass weed pipes........I was ALMOST insulted!
  3. Sig

    Show Off Your GBD Pipes (and 2nds)

    I have a handful of GBDs. I'll take better pictures but I posted this one the other day on the "What are you smoking" thread. Its a post merger "Constitution" 9456 with a green swirl Acrylic stem and the circular COM.......but has the brass rondell. Years ago I was told it must be a very early...
  4. Sig

    Your Own "Worst" Tobacco

    Bayou Morning. I know, I know, most people like it, but I cannot smoke it. I originally thought it was the amount of Perique in the blend. But, I now believe its just how the Perique interplays with the other components maybe. There are other blends that have the same amount or MORE Perique...
  5. Sig

    Noob Results - what they liked, and didn't

    Back when I started piping I had no input at all from any pipers. No family, no friends that smoked a pipe. I was a cigar smoker for a few years, then a guy on a cigar forum turned me on to pipes. My favorites from the start were Virginias, Va/Pers and anything Latakia. Back then I really liked...
  6. Sig

    Smoking, Grilling, and BBQ

    We are always smoking something around here. We raise our own meats.
  7. Sig

    Been Gone a Long Time....

    Welcome back!!
  8. Sig

    Pipe Shape Preferences Over Time

    I like them all, and always have. Looking at my collection of pipes, its about 80% straight and 80% of those are Billiards. So, are straight Billiards my favorite? Not really.
  9. Sig

    Show Us Your Corncobs

    Ive got four MM cobs at the moment. The two on the top Ive had sinse 2005 or so, they are retired. The two on the bottom are about 10 years old. The third down is a Great Dane....the bottom is a 5th Avenue...I believe they call them Diplomats now....or maybe not. :) The 5th Avenue is obviously...
  10. Sig

    Smoking Flake tobacco tips

    SOME flakes are more difficult than others. Maybe get something like Peter Stokkebbye Luxury Navy Flake to practice the fold and stuff. This tobacco comes MUCH drier than those very moist Gawith blends. But, it is possible to get FVF to smoke without drying it out. Some like it better dry, but...
  11. Sig


    Its been VERY hot here lately......South of Buffalo. We aren't used to this type of heat this far North. 90+ every day with 60%-70% humidity. Over the last couple weeks we have had a couple MINOR rains that did absolutely nothing except raise the humidity. We grow our own food, and our animals...
  12. Sig

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Always go through Ybor City when in Tampa. I don't drink coffee anymore.....especially THEIR coffee. :) But I DO spend a bunch on cigars and the fantastic food......especially the Cuban sandwiches.
  13. Sig

    Zippo Pipe Lighters...Opinions Please!

    Ive had many Zippos over the years. Hate them for pipes though. I recently bought a pipe insert...... hate them more now. When I began pipe smoking I HAD to have all the accessories. Ive got two Old Boy lighters, several DuPont and Xictar and the dang Zippos. I had to have the best tampers, and...
  14. Sig

    "Standard" Brand pipes??

    If they are cheap enough they may be good to practice your restoring hobby. It's good to use really inexpensive pipes to learn sanding and refinishing. Its very easy to sand away nomenclature and easy to just screw up the staining........ask me how I know. No matter what, you can use the screw...
  15. Sig

    I Finally Get Burleys!

    Pegasus is one of my all time favorite tobaccos. Ive always got a bunch stowed away. Currently im smoking through a pound from 2017.
  16. Sig

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    C&D "Star of the East" in a GBD Constitution 9456. I tend to collect oddball pipes. This one isn't that odd, but I had to have it.....its one of my favorite GBD shapes. It is obviously made after the merger with Comoys due to its name and it circle COM. But it does have a brass rondell, not...
  17. Sig

    How Slow is Slow?

    Every blend, pipe and situation can make the length of a pipe different..... In my world. If the stars are aligned and im not thinking about a sick animal, or tomorrows work load, or any other drama, I can make a coin last maybe 45 minutes. I ALAWAYS want to smoke slowly, but that doesn't...
  18. Sig

    Howdy from Upstate New York

    Welcome from Upstate NY.........just a bit West of you. MacBaren VA#1 is my all time favorite tobacco. It CAN be a tough one for new pipers due to tongue bite. Some things I've heard about Va#1 are.....lava, burning hell, flame thrower, licking an iron...... But, some people do not get this...
  19. Sig

    After a Heart Attack

    The reason I said what I said, and im sure its what @ItsKarl meant too, is that doctors all sign the Hypocritic do no harm. My doctor happens to be one of my closest friends. We smoke cigars, eat fatty meat, shoot guns, drive too fast......and several other things many doctors...
  20. Sig

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    This is usually the case. But, some sandblasted pipes may not have the grain they appear to have. There are techniques to CREATE a beautiful ring grain sandblast from a less desirable piece of briar. Its not as easy as it seems to blast a pipe perfectly along its grain. Some makers who are VERY...