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32 Fresh Moonshine Pipes
60 Fresh Ropp Pipes
4 Fresh The French Pipe Pipes
96 Fresh Savinelli Pipes
2 Fresh Lv Zelong Pipes

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  1. gemtx

    You May Say I’m a Reamer, Am I the Only One?

    I have never needed to ream, and I smoke all manner of tobaccos. Who knows. I've seen plenty of estates with cake, but my smoking technique does not create it. Best to all.
  2. gemtx

    Tobacco Smoking Question

    Hey. Also from Ohio. Kent. Best to you.
  3. gemtx

    Smoking Jacket

    I generally smoke in clothes which I do not intend to wear after smoking. Next smoke: put those clothes back on. T-shirts, shorts, cap. Garage or back porch.
  4. gemtx

    Thoughts on Smoking Indoors

    I need to disagree with ZetoMegisti and agree with others here: the behavior of a gentleman (or gentlewoman) as concerns pipe-smoking is that the right of my fist to fly ends at another's nose. So does my smoke. There are dangers in living, of course, but there are also simple kindnesses to...
  5. gemtx

    Man Cave Finally Complete

    Here in Texas, it's coming up Spring, so there is plenty of back-porch smoking by the pool. Still no room note. Also, I updated my pic; it's from the recent Grammys. Our piece won the Grammy. Lyle Mays' Eberhard. Amazing work. Best to all.
  6. gemtx

    Man Cave Finally Complete

    Wow. You are blessed. My man-cave is standing between our cars in the garage! Still, many wonderful smokes between those two cars!
  7. gemtx

    What are You Reading as You Smoke?

    I do YouTube music on my phone while I smoke in the garage with a drink sitting on my Hemi Dodge Charger. Lately it has been Paul Simon. What a library of music. Also Bruce Hornsby. When I can read, it's usually Moby Dick. Not kidding.
  8. gemtx

    One Tobacco To Rule Them All

    I've been smoking The Best of the Rest for quite a while now, and enjoying it; but one only for the rest of my life? Old Ironsides. Go figure. I just love the stuff, though others don't seem to appreciate the notes.
  9. gemtx

    Pipe Smoking and Mental Health

    I was diagnosed as clinically depressed with anxiety. It lasted more than a decade. Meds and therapy DID help: kept me functional and able to work. I would like to draw a distinction: Therapists are about counseling; psychiatrists are about medication. It was not always this way, but it is now...
  10. gemtx

    Pipe Smoking and Mental Health

    Thanks. Still deal with both, but pipe smoking really helps. I am moved and elevated and calmed. Some of my best thoughts occur during smoking sessions. Best to all.
  11. gemtx

    What Blend did your Grandfather Smoke?

    My grandfather on my mother's side was an all-day pipe-smoker. Sadly, she cannot tell me what he smoked. She is 87 years old, so let's give her a break. She can still tell a good joke. Ha. Wishing her well.
  12. gemtx

    Pipe Smoking and Mental Health

    I just wrote and deleted a paragraph. I'll come out with it. Long-time depressive with anxiety. Pipe smoking helps me greatly. Off meds and therapy now. Just trying to live a good life. Best to all. If I have the guts, I'll write more sometime soon. Again, best to all.
  13. gemtx

    Typical Pipe Smoking Attire

    Hey, I somehow graduated to Junior Member. I'll puff to that. Best to all.
  14. gemtx

    Typical Pipe Smoking Attire

    Interesting. My wife and child are getting more used to my smokiness lingering in my clothes, hands, beard, hair. Of course I've been mainly smoking aromatics as well. I assume many here must know that guy the mutton-chop-piper from YouTube. I enjoy his videos. Very calming. The clothing I wear...
  15. gemtx

    Pipe Smoking and Facial Hair

    Growing a healthy goatee. Looking forward to this! Yeah, my pic is Santa (or Walt Whitman), but I'm only now beginning the scruff.
  16. gemtx

    What is Your New Year's Pipe Resolution?

    To enjoy pipe smoking to the best of my ability, and to get to know all you folks better. Best to all.
  17. gemtx

    The Euphoric Smoking Experience

    Wow. What an assortment. Isn't that what is called a Volcano? Quite a box. Best.
  18. gemtx

    The Euphoric Smoking Experience

    Thank you for your post. I look forward to quite a New Year's Eve tonight. Surf and Turf and live music. I love pipe smoking. I don't dwell on "hobby" but I love the whole shebang. Beautiful pipes, the feel of them, the aromas of the tobacco. If I were rich I'd fly around to pipe shows and such...
  19. gemtx

    The Euphoric Smoking Experience

    Ha! I think you have me beat. What a beautiful pipe. Our tobacco chambers may be similar. Best.
  20. gemtx

    The Euphoric Smoking Experience

    I wonder how much of my experiences during piping sessions has to do with the nicotine. I really don't know. There must be some mouth accumulation, and I suppose I inhale a little through my nose upon puffing. Very curious.