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  1. Buckler

    C&D Red Virginia Ribbon

    I got a jar of this 4 or so years ago and coming back to it yet again in 2025 it’s just delicious! So sweet and such a lovely gentle flavour. 10/10.
  2. Buckler

    How to Re-Hydrate Pipe Tobacco

    That sounds like a great method too!! I do have some red virginia that could probably do with re hydrating. It’s super dry but smokes and tastes fine to me. Maybe I’ll re hydrate a little just as an experiment…
  3. Buckler

    How to Re-Hydrate Pipe Tobacco

    That makes sense. I think maybe I put droplets in rather then spray. So these super wet patches are where the mood grew perhaps. Cheers.
  4. Buckler

    How to Re-Hydrate Pipe Tobacco

    Great point! Good to know things in the pipe world can be a little OCD too. Deff found this in other hobby groups! Although im not too sure where the mold came from. Maybe the grubby finger I used to mix it round with... :P Jars weren't the best quality either. Have proper ball jars now.
  5. Buckler

    How to Re-Hydrate Pipe Tobacco

    Fantastic article. Thank you. Have had mold trying to just mix the tobacco with water from my fingers. I think the cloth method is what ill try next so nothing (especailly water) will touch the tobacco! C Cheers
  6. Buckler

    ***What Are You Smoking, November 2021?***

    Have moved over to English blends and really enjoying Mac's FVF. Once it settles gee its nice. Luvely retro hale. O and in an old English pipe which was left behind when I bought a house I bought a few years back. Its becoming one of my favorite smokers. But this changes every few weeks right. :P
  7. Buckler

    Frequent Tamping is Key

    So you never get to the point where there is so much ash you simply can’t relight???
  8. Buckler

    Frequent Tamping is Key

    I do tamp quite light with the smallest amount of pressure I feel.. But thank you for the feedback. ?
  9. Buckler

    Frequent Tamping is Key

    Interesting. I tend to pack quite light as I was packing what I thought was too firm at the beginning. Perhaps I need to move back the other way again.... ?
  10. Buckler

    What Are You Listening To? ~ January 2021

    I mostly read while smoking so it’s always a chill reading mix: But of course there are the right play list for when reading what got me in to pipe smoke, ie LOTR
  11. Buckler

    Loading the Night Before

    What do you mean by ‘a cork lid’?
  12. Buckler

    Frequent Tamping is Key

    So I think I’m on to something, for myself at least, but this may help others. Frequent tamping throughout a bowel can avoid re lights. I am finding now (about 9months in to my pipe smoking journey) that if I tamp throughout the bowel I need far less re lights. Instead of waiting till the pipe...
  13. Buckler

    Loading the Night Before

    I’d never thought of this! I have deff enjoyed the flavour of a packed pipe pre light with out even realising! I am so going to try this!!!
  14. Buckler

    Loading the Night Before

    What do you find changes for you?
  15. Buckler

    Maybe It Is Just Me...

    I tend to get little enjoyment from many English blends. However Yorktown is a 4/5 for me. I really like aeros Nutty Irishman and Hobbit weed are also 4/5 and Founding fathers just blew me out of the water <3. And then there are a bunch that just don’t grab me like Autumn Evenings. It seems...
  16. Buckler

    The First Blend That Got You Into Pipe Smoking

    Nutty Irishman C&D And funnily enough, even though I have run out I think it’s still my favourite. My ver first ever tobacco. Need to get some more...
  17. Buckler

    What Are You Listening To? (Dec. 2020)

    Beside my 2020 playlist on Spotify, I keep hitting Jacob Collier. If you haven’t heard his stuff it spans multiple genres. ?
  18. Buckler

    Left Over Tobacco.

    Why not suck it in to the tobacco on the true light?
  19. Buckler

    Wind Caps??

    Ha, that’s awesome!!! what kind of objects have you used??
  20. Buckler

    Left Over Tobacco.

    Too right. I do smoke slowish most the time. Sped up a little on the last one or two and more dottle... ? Perhaps you are on to something friend. ?