I love Latakia. Sometimes I want mixes with a lot, other times just a little. But I almost smoke Englishes exclusively. I would say 85% English, 10% VaPer or Va, 5% other.
Yeah, that sucks. I'm glad you've never made a mistake during your daily job that inconvenienced someone else. Maybe you should ask to speak to the manager, Karen.
I don't know what the laws are in Missouri, but in Wisconsin, this is the law. The company I work for is considered essential, so we are doing business. However, if we have someone in the building, that comes down with COVID-19, within 14 days of being in our building, Health and Human Services...
The original name of the company was Kapp Brothers. When Peterson joined. It became Kapp & Peterson, K&P for short. Peterson eventually bought the Kapp brothers out. It stlll used the K&P name. Present day, under the Luadisi (sp) Group, it's officially Peterson. They will still use the K&P...
Good question. For me it was when I started trying to fine things that tasted like something I had already smoked. Early on, I found that Latakia was my thing. I started chasing a flavor profile. I settled into the flavors I like best.
I noticed that too. I started watching his videos a few years ago. A few videos deep I started to notice he was full of $hit, with a few things. Well, I watched some of his newer stuff and he's selling 'get rich quick' empowerment schemes.
I noticed in his early pipe videos, he said he always...
I couldn't disagree more. Pure Latakia has a lot of flavor. Latakia is 'Orientals' that are smoked with aromatic woods, herbs, and spices. To me Latakia tastes like smokey orientals. Smokey, spicy, and tangy. So much that most people assume Peterson Balkan Delight, now Balkan Blend, has...
Welcome to the world of pipe smoking. I never cared for aromatics, or burleys. I'm starting to enjoy Virginias and VaPers, But I knew I was in love when I tried Latakia mixes.
Wow! So sorry to hear.
I was just reading an article, I think about those fires, they were started by a guy purposely throw lit pieces of paper out this car window, as he drove.
Have aunt Betty, in a different state, buy the tobacco online, use her credit card, have it shipped to her house, she re-ships to you. You pay her, cash, check, paypal, plus some extra for the effort. Bam! They are non the wiser.
I think you are placing way too much faith that Barney Fife is going to figure out that you had someone ship you tobacco, or that you drove to a neighboring state to pick it up from a friend. Michigan has no customs you have to clear it with. Hell, Lee Von Erck, the pipe maker, lives in northern...