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  1. motie2

    Show Us Your Pussy

    Maximus, our second shelter cat. One brain cell.
  2. motie2

    Chronicling an AliExpress Pipe and Purchase for Science

    Just read all 16 pages. Very impressed with the way y’all managed the discussion.
  3. motie2

    Buying Multiples of the Same Pipe

    Well, not the same shape, but all of my seventeen pipes are E.A. Carey Magic Inch pipes…. Except for one MM cob and one Duncan Hill Aerosphere that I bought from E.A. Carey. My first two Carey’s were $15.00 each in 1964.
  4. motie2

    What Are You Drinking? October 2023

    Plantation Barbados 5 year old rum, rocks, squeeze of lemon.
  5. motie2

    Molto Dolce

    Thanks for the info.
  6. motie2

    Molto Dolce

    Piper’s Pleasure and a 50/50 mix of Boswell’s Best and Christmas Cookie.
  7. motie2

    Molto Dolce

    Agreed! BP became my favorite aro blend, between 2018 and 2021. Then I discovered Boswell.
  8. motie2

    Molto Dolce

    Propylene glycol (PG) is a colorless, odorless liquid that is often used as a humectant in pipe tobacco. Humectants are substances that help to keep tobacco moist, which can help to prevent it from drying out and becoming harsh. Some people believe that PG can have a sweet taste, while others...
  9. motie2

    Molto Dolce

    I always recommend MD for beginners. I've always thought of it as training wheels for the pipe smoker. Also, a must try for people who like smoking a pipe, but dislike the taste of tobacco. You'd be surprised how many of them are out there.
  10. motie2

    Sutliff Reserve Eastfarthing

    RookieGuy80 - Great review. Thank you
  11. motie2

    If You Could Have Only One...

    My first EA Carey, an apple purchased for $15.00 in the summer of 1969, and Boswell’s Piper’s Pleasure.
  12. motie2

    Who Taught You to Smoke a Pipe?

    Too much non-pipe smoking bloviation and a really hostile atmosphere; folders where it is -- evidently -- OK to post "Daily Reminder: F___ Joe Biden." and hostile comments about minority groups. Personally, I don't want Biden to run again, but I am really put off by the incivility of that...
  13. motie2

    Who Taught You to Smoke a Pipe?

    Retired 2013 Reform Jewish
  14. motie2

    Codger levels

    Sadly, yes.
  15. motie2

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2023?***

    A 50/50 blend of Boswell's Best and Christmas Cookie.
  16. motie2

    Who Taught You to Smoke a Pipe?

    Back in the '60's, we all took up pipe smoking our first year in seminary. The older students taught us that there was a world of tobacco beyond what blends were for sale at the news stand; mostly aromatics and what we today call codger blends. These older Brothers of the Briar introduced us to...
  17. motie2

    When Forced to Choose Only 4...

    Escudo Boswell Piper's Pleasure Balkan Sasieni Straus Sleepy Hollow
  18. motie2

    Codger levels

    Extremist politics, misogyny, homophobia, "every day carry" displays drove me from another pipe forum after years of active participation. When trolls move in, discussion of pipes and pipe smoking can become afterthoughts. On the other hand, there seemed to be a big market for this kind of...
  19. motie2

    MARXMAN Pipes, anyone?

    I’m 76. The only pipe my father left me was a bent devil’s head sitter by Marxman. I traded it for a GBD straight grain in the late 1960’s.
  20. motie2

    A Bar Exam for Pipesmokers

    Have you seen DUDEISM.COM ? Aimed at alaskanpiper