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  1. glmpdv

    Swelling under the tongue

    Thanks for the info, andrew... So I've been taking all those cares you guys told me, for the past 2 days, with slow sipping draws and so... 2/3 bowl/day with Cap. Black just to be sure it was a problem of technic and not chemical/allergy. My mouth is perfectly fine. I think it was bad...
  2. glmpdv

    Swelling under the tongue

    So I went to the most 'specialist' tobacco seller here in Budapest, but, unfortunately, the guy can't speak english... There are not many options for me, I think... Some of the available brands are: Black Gold, Jacht, Tilbury, Stanislaw, Helsingor, Stanwell, W-o-Larsen, Borkum Riff... I took...
  3. glmpdv

    Swelling under the tongue

    Ohh, it didn't take 10 days to heal... It was like 2 or 3. I stopped for 10 days, just to be pretty sure it was healed.
  4. glmpdv

    Swelling under the tongue

    Well, after the first time this happened, I waited until I got totally healed (10 days). I'm smoking with a Savinelli's Broomhilda (Churchwarden) and a local producer's sherlock holmes replica (both made of briar).
  5. glmpdv

    Swelling under the tongue

    Thanks for helping, guys... I really want to try new tobaccos, but I live in Budapest, and it's really hard to find different tobaccos other than those Mac Baren, Cap Black or Borkum Riff... And btw, there's nothing wrong with the tongue itself, it's "just" the soft palate and lingual frenulum...
  6. glmpdv

    Swelling under the tongue

    What's the best way to 'dry' the tobacco?
  7. glmpdv

    Swelling under the tongue

    I'm not allergic to anything, as far as I know. And what 'keeping the tobacco on the dry side' means? I'm smoking Cap.Black White and Mac Baren's Original Choice.
  8. glmpdv

    Swelling under the tongue

    Hey guys, I'm kinda worried here... This wasn't happening when I started smoking pipe (btw, I don't smoke anything but pipe), but now, everytime I smoke, I get a really bad swelling under my tongue on the upcoming days, sometimes with a hard and soft palate irritation... I'm not sure if this is...
  9. glmpdv

    New Members, Introduce Yourself!

    Hey Folks, My name is Guilherme, I'm a brazilian guy studying Engineering in Budapest - Hungary. My first pipe experience was here, and I really liked it from the very beginning... Looks like I have many things to learn, so you'll often see my questions around. I'm glad I found this nice and...
  10. glmpdv

    Peeling Coat

    Thanks for the replies, guys. I'm going to get a Savinelli Broomhilda soon, and leave this pipe alone.
  11. glmpdv

    Peeling Coat

    It's not a 'serious' pipe. It's a functional Gandalf's replica from Noble Collection. I'm not even sure what it is made of... But I really like it. Gives me a smooth smoking pleasure.
  12. glmpdv

    Peeling Coat

    Hello, First of all, please excuse my english level. So, I've recently acquired a very nice pipe, but after a few uses (two or three) it seems like the external coating is peeling off. Since I'm a beginner, I'd like to know how can I avoid this, and how can I fix this, because now it's kinda...