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  1. drover

    Is Pipe Smoking On The Rise?

    Since I've started pipe smoking I've gotten 4 others started as well. Two friends, my father in law, and my father. I've met two other gentlemen that smoke pipes at the Olive Garden down here, and people tend to take interest when I smoke in public (can't just be my good looks :puffy: ). It's...
  2. drover

    Here's a Link to Fight the New FDA Regulations

    Another BUMP for this thread. Please send your comments while you can.
  3. drover

    ***What Are You Smoking *** (June 2014)

    Carter Hall in a MM 5th Ave. Diplomat, Because it's HOT down here right now. :|
  4. drover

    New Members, Introduce Yourself!

    Hey there. I'm Dale from Georgia. 22 years old, started pipe smoking at 19. I found this site through google searches (just clicking the best images) and now I've signed up so that when i want to comment I can. I love Nightcap, Blackhouse, and the Frog Morton blends (as well as Carter Hall)...