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  1. chilllucky

    "Mature Virginia" Rope?

    I really enjoy Germain's Rich Dark Flake - when I can get it. Wessex Campaign, Astley's No 44, etc. Curious if there is a rope available with more or less the same "mature/dark virginias" components?
  2. chilllucky

    Anyone Been to Sapporo Pipe Grandpa Cafe?

    My wife is heading to Hokkaido in a month and we ran across this place while searching for a tobacconist. It's a five seat whisky bar with cigars, house pipes and tobaccos, that's open from 9pm til 5 in the morning. Japan is truly a wondrous place.
  3. chilllucky

    Chatter Tamper

    When turning metal on a lathe, one of the possible bad outcomes is chatter on your part. Improper speeds and feeds, or unsupported lengths that can whip and create harmonic vibrations under the cutting forces. It's never the surface finish the customer wants, but sometimes it's pretty neat...
  4. chilllucky

    Commissioned Set of Two Pipes Less Than 1k, Received!

    If you recall, I polled this group last year about who you might ask to make a set of two pipes. One each for my wife and I. Original thread here. After considering the short list you were able to provide (and thank you all for that, I had no interest in or capacity for the from-scratch...
  5. chilllucky

    Pipe Lamps for your smoking room.

    Saw these while shopping around for lights for our new house. Thought I'd pass the link along in case any of you have a smoking room in need of thematic illumination.
  6. chilllucky

    First Smoke on the New Porch!

    In about 8 months time, this will be a covered porch with sunset views. Just through the door behind me will be a built in display cabinet for my wife's and my pipes and tobaccos. Right now it's cold and the ground is uneven and littered with framing cut offs, but I can already feel myself...
  7. chilllucky

    Small Ulu/Demilune For Cutting Ropes and Plugs

    Can anyone recommend a small (less than 4"/100mm) round-bladed knife for cutting ropes and plugs? Let's say less than $100USD. I'm not trying to become a hand-made knife collector. I remember from the fair trade tobacco forums that Kuhn-Rikon made one that was well liked for dressing whole...
  8. chilllucky

    JJ Fox, London. Tuesday 21November.

    My wife and I will be visiting the store, buying all the bulk Germaine's blends, and enjoying Mr Churchill's seat upstairs in the lounge. Anyone who can make it is welcome to sit with us. Please reply to the thread or send me a PM to arrange.
  9. chilllucky

    Who would you commission for a set of two pipes <1K USD (less than)?

    My wife and I both smoke pipes and we will be starting construction of a house next year that will feature a pipe display and smoking area. I think it would be cool to commission a carver to make a set of two pipes that are in some perceivable way 'of a kind'. Whether that's shape, finish...
  10. chilllucky

    American Adventure Pipe Club - Ice Age Trail - Fall 2023

    My wife and I were lucky enough to join the Kearvaig Pipe Club for their Annual General Meeting in 2018. Unlike other clubs, their meetings consist of a grueling long distance trail hike in the Scottish Highlands ending at a Bothy - a publicly accessable shelter along the path - where hearths...
  11. chilllucky

    Anyone at IMTS?

    The West's largest industrial machinery convention is in Chicago every other year. I have been given the day "off" from my moldmaker's apprenticeship to attend today. With 85,000 registrants it seems just in the edge of possible that there's one other pipe smoker there. If you'd like to meet...
  12. chilllucky

    Brown Flakes to Try.

    My tastes are moving on from a couple years long affair with DFK. Old Gowrie, dark bird's eye, Stockton, and Newminster 403 being favorites. I tore through a tin of Wessex dark flake. It was all I wanted to smoke for the time it lasted. Managed to score a few more of those, plus G&H best brown...
  13. chilllucky

    "P P" pipe

    A friend just picked up a handsome cross grain Canadian from Iwan Reis here in Chicago while running some errands downtown. The only stamp I could see on it was "P P". The script looked very much like the Peterson "P", but the shape didn't fit my impression of their line, tho I'm no expert. Is...
  14. chilllucky

    Tsuge Shiki Series.

    I see on SP that there are two of the four "seasons" of this series available and I am attracted to the stem detail that appears on both. Very seriously considering pulling the trigger on what could become my first ever intentionally collected pipe set. My question, which I could not find an...
  15. chilllucky

    Smoking and Altitude?

    I'm from 734 feet above sea level (Chicago) and am currently on vacation at 5,761 (Glenwood Springs, CO). I packed a couple of my favorite coins and and some perfectly cleaned pipes in my SCooSA along with a novel to read during my smokes. I've only gotten a coupla bowls in, but both have been...
  16. chilllucky

    I Thought I Smelled Something...

    I looked around the woodshop for what could have been making that burning smell and didn't see anything. Then I put my pipe down.
  17. chilllucky

    The Furlough: A Virtual Pipe Club.

    A couple friends and I have been video chatting every other evening on Google Meets as a virtual happy hour during our self-quarantine. I see no reason why a few of us couldn't do the same thing for a pipe and a little chit chat. I think I have started a google calendar event with conferencing...
  18. chilllucky

    Bucolic Gold. Homemade Periqued Virginias

    One of my favorite tobaccos of the last few years has consistently been Russ Oullette's "Arcadian Gold". It's a collaborative experiment between Mark Ryan of Daughters and Ryan Tobacco and he to process some Flue Cured Virginia tobacco by the same method Perique is made. This summer I grew and...
  19. chilllucky

    Any Arduino Programmers In The House?

    I am going to try to build an automatic flue curing chamber for next year's crop of home-grown Virginia Tobaccos. Growing the plants; I have one year of experience at. Building a box; I have many, many years experience doing. Getting a computer to take temperature and humidity readings and...
  20. chilllucky

    Any Chicagoland Folks Who Can Produce Video?

    I've developed a traveling pipe cabinet that I would like to produce a one minute (or less) commercial for, to be displayed on a website for the product to be put up next month. Is there anyone in the local pipe world who can help me with this? I can pay you in product for sure, or actual money...