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  1. SmokeyJock

    Picking on Brits a Bit

    It goes well beyond football and religion, those are just the mediums for the politics, as it were. Tiocfaidh ar la ;)
  2. SmokeyJock

    Picking on Brits a Bit

    atta boy Badger, have at em
  3. SmokeyJock

    Picking on Brits a Bit

    around here we hate the King (unless you're a rangers supporting, up the british union, orangeman hun) but I may be straying into political territory here... Edit for clarity for yanks: the bit in brackets is me being deliberately politically sectarian, intended to make the bit after the...
  4. SmokeyJock

    Picking on Brits a Bit

    I can't speak for the English, they're a weird bunch, but up here we rinsed our plates after washing them, before the invention of the dishwasher that is ;) As for washing eggs, do you eat the shells over there? And if the eggs are coming from the chicken's arse, there's either something wrong...
  5. SmokeyJock

    Picking on Brits a Bit

    someone has been telling you porkies :ROFLMAO: is it true none of you yanks have electric kettles?
  6. SmokeyJock

    ***What Are You Smoking, December 2024?***

    Ah, maybe I should crack open the bob's chocolate flake now to get it drying
  7. SmokeyJock

    ***What Are You Smoking, December 2024?***

    Just about finished this bowl of GH coffee and caramel in the sarome cambridge, this is a blend that just won't stay lit
  8. SmokeyJock

    ***What Are You Smoking, December 2024?***

    I see your pipe has been circumcised
  9. SmokeyJock

    ***What Are You Smoking, December 2024?***

    Solani aged burley flake for my first bowl in the Rattray's Fair Maid
  10. SmokeyJock

    Pipe for clenching

    Goo goo g' joob
  11. SmokeyJock

    Greetings! I'm from PA/SC and interested in the Native American tobacco tradition (eg. mint, sage, Cherokee).

    Trying to hit 100 posts in as short a time as possible with no other reason for writing half the shite you've been posting is what we call "spam", which is why people were thinking you might be AI. We don't take kindly to spam. I hope that you really do now hold your peace
  12. SmokeyJock

    Greetings! I'm from PA/SC and interested in the Native American tobacco tradition (eg. mint, sage, Cherokee).

    There is no "verification" at 100 posts, it looks like you're trying to get your account looking as legitimate as possible as fast as possible, and one can't help but wonder why that might be. At any rate you've been filling the forum page with dozens of inane replies to old threads. As we say...
  13. SmokeyJock

    Show off your Rattray's Pipes Here!

    I'm near sure someone posted here a while ago about Peterson cancelling or recalling their mortas for the same reason, maybe bog-oak isn't the best material
  14. SmokeyJock

    ***What Are You Smoking, Nov. 2024?***

    GH Coffee & Caramel in the MM Legend
  15. SmokeyJock

    Happy Birthday Jiminks!!!

    Happy birthday Jim! I thoroughly enjoy your reviews, feline updates, and sonic strips
  16. SmokeyJock

    Show off your Rattray's Pipes Here!

    She's still a maiden for now, think I'll start the break-in tomorrow
  17. SmokeyJock

    Show off your Rattray's Pipes Here!

    Recently bought this beautiful Rattray's Fair Maid, this photo doesn't quite do justice to the colour and grain
  18. SmokeyJock

    Pete & Bas

    You're late to the party, my personal favourite is this
  19. SmokeyJock

    If You Could Visit any Pipe Shop...

    a friend and I made an enemy of a Longforgan farmer when we were younger, we used to roll his haybales down to the burn and sit on them and ride them downstream until they'd get stuck, then go back and repeat... we may have partially flooded one of his fields