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  1. wesquire

    Opinion about a YouTuber

    He could be genuine, but I can't shake the impression I get of him just putting on an act.
  2. wesquire

    PS Luxury BEF and Navy Flake

    Interesting that you find the NF more complex. I get more flavor from the LBF. I had some of the NF yesterday and it seems like every time I smoke it I am underwhelmed at first and then it grows on me throughout the bowl. However, mine is home-stoved.
  3. wesquire

    What Are We Drinking In March 2023?

    That's a great value bourbon. I'd only put it behind Evan Williams BiB.
  4. wesquire

    PS Luxury BEF and Navy Flake

    If you like WTRR, try their Rare Breed.
  5. wesquire

    PS Luxury BEF and Navy Flake

    I don't have any LBF on hand, but even comparing some stoved LNF to some new St James Flake I have on hand, it is remarkable how much darker the St James Flake is. If I could find a cheaper/bulk way to approximate St James Flake I'd be ecstatic.
  6. wesquire

    PS Luxury BEF and Navy Flake

    Yes, the Bullseye Flake
  7. wesquire

    PS Luxury BEF and Navy Flake

    P&C says there is, but I don't know for sure.
  8. wesquire

    PS Luxury BEF and Navy Flake

    Aside from the cavendish in the BEF and the rum topping on the Navy Flake, what are the differences you've noticed? Do you think the Virginias are the same? Seems most people think the BEF has more perique.
  9. wesquire

    Blending Perique that is More Figgy than Peppery?

    Maybe. Personally, I get a lot of the figgyness from St James Flake, and my understanding is that it is fairly heavy on the perique.
  10. wesquire

    Blending Perique that is More Figgy than Peppery?

    Any suggestions on which one to go for if I'm wanting to add more of the fig notes than spice?
  11. wesquire

    ***What Are You Smoking, March 2023?***

    Gawith St James Flake in my Kriswill
  12. wesquire

    On Smoking Slowly and the Benefits...

    Good one to practice with. From my experience it burns hot and requires more relights than most.
  13. wesquire

    ***What Are You Smoking, March 2023?***

    Stoved Stokkebye Luxury Twist
  14. wesquire

    ***What Are You Smoking, March 2023?***

    Just finished some Sutliff Vanilla Custard for the first time and about to end the night with PS Luxury Twist Flake
  15. wesquire

    What are You Watching? [2023] Please Rate 1-5

    Yellowstone 4/5. Seasons all follow a similar arc and Beth needs to get killed off.
  16. wesquire

    Who Primarily Smokes one Blend?

    What would you choose?
  17. wesquire

    Top 3 Straight Virginias

    SG FVF Dunhill Flake PS Luxury Twist Flake (if that counts)
  18. wesquire

    Who Primarily Smokes one Blend?

    Title edited for caps and brevity. Probably some heavy selection bias given this question being asked here, but I'm curious how many of you would say you mostly stick to a single favorite blend. I pretty much only smoke a home blend of PS luxury twist flake and their black cavendish. The ratio...
  19. wesquire

    Show Off Your First 2023 Pipe Purchase!

    First of 2023 and second period.
  20. wesquire

    Hello from Arkansas

    Technically I joined back in 2015, but I mostly stopped smoking shortly after. I've picked it back up and have really been enjoying it. Favorite blends I've been smoking are Peter Stokkebye's Navy Flake and a home blend of PS Twist Flake and their black cavendish. I've been using a single pipe...