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  1. crowbait

    Years of Pipe Smoking vs. Pipe + Tobacco Count

    Awesome. Kudos for keeping it simple! My great grandfather was that way and I always appreciated it. He was a one pipe and one tobacco man as long as I knew him. His pipe and a bag of Amphora Original sits on my mantle as a reminder not to overcomplicate everything.
  2. crowbait

    Years of Pipe Smoking vs. Pipe + Tobacco Count

    Quite the collection for only 3 years!
  3. crowbait

    Years of Pipe Smoking vs. Pipe + Tobacco Count

    30 years, 30 pipes. Thats great. Any idea of how much tobacco?
  4. crowbait

    Years of Pipe Smoking vs. Pipe + Tobacco Count

    This quiz has no wrong answers though. Gotta be worth a shot, no? 😁
  5. crowbait

    Years of Pipe Smoking vs. Pipe + Tobacco Count

    We talking 40 years of pipe smoking? I'll split the difference and call it 65 pipes how bout. Sounds like an incredible collection! 21 years worth at what kind of rate? couple bowls a day? 78 brands is what i'll use! I'll split the difference and call it 65 pipes how bout? Thanks for...
  6. crowbait

    Years of Pipe Smoking vs. Pipe + Tobacco Count

    We all know about PAD and TAD but I got to thinking; what's the ratio between the number of pipes, number of tobaccos (blends and vessels) and years of pipe smoking. Purely curoisity driven, but I think it would be interesting to see if as there a correlation between years of pipe smoking and...
  7. crowbait

    ***What Are You Smoking, September 2024?***

    Beautiful color developing on that nice little clay.
  8. crowbait

    ***What Are You Smoking, September 2024?***

    Love the pipe + holder!
  9. crowbait

    Your Favorite Underrated Blend

    Captain Black Dark Cavendish is a guilty pleasure of mine to be honest. I know is a dirt cheap dime-a-dozen tobacco but I've never had a bowl I didnt enjoy. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to write home about it or recommend it to everyone but its just an old reliable for me. I'm a big fan...
  10. crowbait

    Has Your Palate for Tobacco Changed Over Time?

    Agreed, great little article. While I have a certain penchant for morphing tastes and preferences over time, I have always had an admiration for those whose tastes remain consistent throughout the ages. There's a contentment they have found that, if I'm being honest, is something that I believe...
  11. crowbait

    Your Journey With Nicotine

    My great grandfather smoked a pipe and I always loved how pipes looked and the how relaxation it seemed to be for him, kicked back in his living room chair, having a bowl of Prince Albert. I was always interesting in smoking but never really partook save for a few snuck cigarretes or Backwoods...
  12. crowbait

    Alternatives to Whiskey & Pipe

    A quality roast, black coffee. Coffee is like tobacco: a high quality well put together roast and a well put together tobacco blend go hand in hand.
  13. crowbait

    How Often do you Really Need to Clean your Pipe?

    Just read your signature. What a great self-quote. Tip of the hat my good man.
  14. crowbait

    How Often do you Really Need to Clean your Pipe?

    I'm guilty of being on the less cleaning end of things for sure. For the most part after a smoke, I just knock out the dottle, give the bowl a quick swipe, and a stern blow through the stem (with the bowl facing down) to clear any ash from the draft hole. Thank being said, if something starts...
  15. crowbait

    Holding a Pipe in Your Mouth

    I'm a clencher as well. I've found that bent pipes and soft tips are the ticket for me. I know soft tips aren't for everyone, but they work well for easier holding and letting a bent pipe also rest against the side of you chin.
  16. crowbait

    Questions - Staying Lit; Packing: Relighting; Ashy Taste

    Very nice. One of many many more to be certain
  17. crowbait

    Cellaring question

    I prefer to short wide mouth mason jars. Mine are 250ml (8 fl.oz volume I believe). I use some small Ol' Smokey moonshine jars so grab and go as well. I'll pack one tobacco onto several different ones to save me from having to open the entire amount of a tobacco to have a bowl. For a weekend...
  18. crowbait

    Do You Associate Pipe Smoking with a Sense of Spirituality?

    I'm not Catholic but I found an arcticle by David Mosley to be interesting on this very subject. In it he notes: "It is this pace and this practice (of packing, lighting and attending too a pipe) that makes pipe smoking a welcome companion to contemplation." Full Article here for those that...
  19. crowbait

    Canadian Everclear Alternatives? guys are cleaning your pipes?