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  1. augiebd

    Your Own "Best" Tobacco

    This is a bit tricky because for nearly 10 years I’ve mostly smoked a different tobacco every bowl. There have been exceptions where I’ve smoked an entire tin before moving on or spent a week with a blend. I agree with @Skippy B. Coyote, I’m not looking for a favorite. That might get tiring, I...
  2. augiebd

    Fame At Last!

    If you could just lower the price to 80 oz. of Margate…
  3. augiebd

    R.I.P. Martin Mull

    By all accounts a uniquely talented and kind man.
  4. augiebd

    Famous Owner (Jack Lemmon) Dunhill Brought Back to New

    Beautiful work, what a unique pipe with a great story! So much fun!
  5. augiebd

    Ash Dumping Question

    Not claiming to be an expert, but I don’t dump ash. I agree with @JOHN72, for me the ash seems to make for gentler relights. Also, it is just one less thing to do, simpler is better. I also use the pick like @Sigmund rather than dump ash.
  6. augiebd

    I Hated Half & Half—Because of the Burley?

    When I just started pipe smoking, H&H was the codger blend I liked the least. Didn’t like the flavour and it had a lot of rough edges. Really unpleasant even though I like licorice. Don’t know if it is improved technique or age on the leaf but I enjoy it now. I do enjoy PA and SWRA more. BTW I...
  7. augiebd

    Another Ropp For My Collection

    I got myself a Ropp for my birthday two years ago. Also, really love it. Enjoy in good health!
  8. augiebd

    Pete Prevost Swan Pipe

    That is amazing, such an interesting signature piece! Congratulations on adding this to your collection!
  9. augiebd

    Relief For A Sore Mouth

    I have tried biotene, not sure if it is better than other suggestions but did find it to be helpful. I also didn’t have tongue bite. Just some tenderness from way to much smoking for a short time.
  10. augiebd

    I Finally Get It

    Welcome from Western Canada! Glad that you have started to find a routine to enjoy a smoke, sounds like you are on your way. Lots to learn and experience along the way!
  11. augiebd

    My 5th George Boyadjiev

    That is beautiful design and wonderful grain. Enjoy in good health!
  12. augiebd

    The Explorer...Going All In for Adventure's Sake

    I am at about the ten year point as well. I have tried to explore the different categories of tobacco and the examples that are well regarded. Over time, I’ve focused more on what I like, English and VA/BURS. My cellar is not deep but I have about 10 lbs of unprocessed whole leaf of all...
  13. augiebd

    Jim's 50th Pipe Smoking Anniversary.

    Next year is my 10 year anniversary. If in my entire life I smoke as much tobacco as you do in a year. Congratulations Jim, many more happy years enjoying the blends you love and life!
  14. augiebd

    Which Tobacco Leaves Your Favorite Mustache Note?

    Some take pride in a meer stache, others find it concerning.
  15. augiebd

    Which Tobacco Leaves Your Favorite Mustache Note?

    My wife noticed that Tewksbury Hobbit Weed Match had a noticeable, pleasant moustache note.
  16. augiebd

    MKELAW's Online Store is Closed…

    Like many others, I have bought several pipes from Dave’s site and was always very happy with the dealings. I have also bought pipes from MBSD and had similar positive experiences.
  17. augiebd

    What Tobacco did your Ancestors Smoke?

    With a fractured family tree, many times over, I am blessed with many grandparents, some I knew. One grandfather smoked homegrown leaf in his pipe, another Player’s plain, unfiltered cigarettes and roll your owns. The others, no idea on their tobacco use. I had a great-uncle who smoked a...
  18. augiebd

    Instant Oxidation?

    I bought a new Comoy pot that had been displayed in the shop window. As soon as I put it in my mouth it instantly oxidized. I wasn’t too happy but I had bought it on vacation so was stuck with it.
  19. augiebd

    Canadian Import Advice Help - Tax was 200%!

    Interesting spreadsheet but I believe the statement that Alberta’s provincial tax on pipe tobacco is zero is incorrect. Easy enough to correct.
  20. augiebd

    Lester Young Repeats as USA Slow Smoking Champion!

    Wow, back to back! A dynasty, congratulations!