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  1. A

    Chacom Grand Cru

    Happy New Year everyone! New year, new pipe, new tobacco! I am currently breaking in this Chacom GC, but it smokes like a champ from the first draw. A few members here have been praising Chacoms highly, so I took the plunge, and I can't believe how good it is. Thank you for your service, fellow...
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    Who Likes 9MM Pipes?

    My very first pipe was a Savinelli with a 6mm filter, which, as others have found, does not really have a good draw. I have a lovely Vauen 9mm that I smoke regularly with a charcoal filter. I find the smoke muted somehow, and so I smoke it late at night when the taste buds are tired. But, it...
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    Hello from Riyadh

    ¡Hola! John, I hope you are coping with the high temperatures over in Spain. It seems like Europe is swiftly becoming like the Middle East, in terms of heatwaves.
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    My First Encounter with Cornell & Diehl

    I recently arrived in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for work. As I can't find any decent pipe tobacco here, I placed my first mail order from smokingpipes in the US, and ordered an 8oz tin of Blockade Runner, Morning Bayou, and Pirate Kake (as well as Plum Pudding just to check if it lives up to the...
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    Greetings from Japan

    Konnichiwa! Greetings from Saudi Arabia!
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    Hello from Toulouse, France

    Welcome from Saudi Arabia! I have the fondest memories of Toulouse, but they don't involve pipes... rather a visit to an amazing cheese shop...Chacom pipes are very nice, see if you can find a Pipe of the Year that you like. I am planning to get one myself!
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    Hello from Riyadh

    Home to the prettiest Prime Minister in the whole wide world!
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    Morning Pipe Rituals

    Thanks for the reply and the recommendations on the Virginias. I am not experienced enough to start smoking Virginias, I think. I still draw too much when I smoke, and I have to tame my cadence as well. I think that Virginias will pair well with tea, maybe even a maltier brew like Assam.
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    Hello from Riyadh

    I am extremely grateful for this information. This is very clear and straightforward. I don't mind paying the customs duties. My first order is 4 tins of 8oz each, which I think amounts to about 1kg. You've made my day! Thank you!
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    Morning Pipe Rituals

    I have a friend in Berlin, if I can't find them online, I'll have her look it up for me. They are beautiful! And the Dupont, too!
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    Morning Pipe Rituals

    I haven't really looked into meers carefully, and that's why I thought they smoke cooler, like a clay pipe. I started out with briars, and then got myself a couple of cobs. I think I'll stick to what to I know for the time being. Thanks
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    Morning Pipe Rituals

    The good life!
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    Morning Pipe Rituals

    @LotusEater @halfdan I second that . I want to know about the tobacco jar, and the st dupont lighter. Is it a pipe lighter? I have been looking everywhere for a nice lighter with pipe flame. I have a corona old boy, and they are lovely.
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    Morning Pipe Rituals

    Never tried it, but I will. Saves me the trouble of getting more pipes.
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    Hello from Riyadh

    I was wondering when I'd hear from fellow pipers who lived here. Thanks for the message. I like to sit outside in the dead of the night, around 2am, and smoke. It's the only time it's bearable to smoke outdoors. Helps with drying out the tobacco, too.
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    Hello from Riyadh

    I've been living here for about two months, so this is my experience so far: Sisha, used in hookahs, is sold in bulk everywhere. Pipe tobacco is not so common, because - I guess- locals don't smoke pipes. Cigars, and cigar lounges, are easier to find. As far as I know, tobacco can be imported. I...
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    Morning Pipe Rituals

    Relationship goals my friend!
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    Morning Pipe Rituals

    Thanks for the reply. I haven't smoked a meer yet, everyone says that they smoke very cool, so it might be easier to smoke without overheating. I am a nervous guy, and pipe smoking for me is a very conscious way of slowing down. But, it would be nice to smoke before work, even when time is...
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    Morning Pipe Rituals

    I am curious to know how many of you smoke a pipe before/around breakfast. Do you have time to do this before work? What pipes and tobaccos would smoke well? I am thinking to get a really small pipe to smoke before going to work. Would a meer be a good idea for a quick smoke?
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    Hello from Riyadh

    That's a beautiful pipe hyperstar. I am a lover of TWSBI as well!