Ernie Q, the Peretti folks, John Brandt (whom I wish would mail his wonderful blends to addresses in Massachusetts). I also like what Ken Byron does. Come to think of it, I'd also include Uhle's.
I interviewed him in the late 1980’s on KMDY (KoMeDY) Radio in Thousand Oaks, CA. It wasn’t really an interview. I welcomed him, and he delivered a 20 minute monologue. He was hysterical and a bit scary 😊
Up at 6:00. Let the canines out. Make the coffee. Feed the canines. Bring wife her coffee. Retire to the pipe room with coffee and iPad. Exit at 7:20 for morning meeting with wife. Priceless!
Reviews are very helpful to me, when they reference nicotine strength or intensity. I can smoke almost any style blend as long as the nicotine hit is mild. Also, I do enjoy reading them!