Peterson Nightcap in a Peterson 1991 Sherlock Holmes Baker Street. Pikesville Rye Manhattan and a tense Giants & Dodgers game on the radio. Not a bad Friday night!
Now smoking GLP Samarra 20th Anniversary blend in a Peterson Premier System B42. Listening to Giants and Brewers (and rooting for Jim’s Braves against the Dodgers).
Saturday morning bowl of Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake in a Peterson 2020 Christmas Dublin. Listening to the Rolling Stones all day in honor of the great Charlie Watts.
Now smoking Westminster in a 1991 Peterson Sherlock Holmes Baker Street, newly arrived from Tobacco Treasures. I love the detailed beading of the older Baker Streets.
A Friday evening smoke of Savinelli Doblone d’Oro in a Peterson System Standard 307. Chasing it with a Pikesville Rye Manhattan to take the edge off of a hectic week!