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  1. hawk60ce

    Update on Irishsmoker...

    Glad to hear from you. Was starting to think it had been a while. Good luck with everything.
  2. hawk60ce

    Learning to Fly (New Article from Greg Pease)

    Hate the song but couldnt help myself
  3. hawk60ce

    What are You Smoking? October, 2012

    C&D Autumn Evening in My Iwan Ries Canadian
  4. hawk60ce

    ATTN English Blend Smokers

    Ive notice that my preferences are slowly moving from heavy aros to light aros and VA flakes. Havent tested much perique yet though i am wanting too, and i certainly dont dislike latakia, but it has its time and place IMHO
  5. hawk60ce

    Learning to Fly (New Article from Greg Pease)

    So tonight I loaded up my Iwan Ries Canadian with some Autumn Evening (seemed very appropriate). For the first time I feel like I taste the flavor and smell the aroma. The only thing I notice I did differently was I normally pack a full pipe. I wanted a shorter smoke so I decided to to fill the...
  6. hawk60ce

    I get overtme again!

    So what is going to be your first pipe purchase with the added funds for PAD?
  7. hawk60ce

    Can't use credit cards to buy loose tobacco online?

    off topic....I keep hearing people talk about shortcut to mushrooms...who makes it and where can i get some to try
  8. hawk60ce

    Radio Show for Oct 18th is On!

    I find i get distracted if i try to listen at home. The pod cast is great for the drive to work though. I usually end up with the rant to start my ride home with as my work drive is about 35 min
  9. hawk60ce

    Amazing room note

    cavendish is a pressed VA or burley. cavendish is probably going to be sweeter than VA.
  10. hawk60ce

    Confussed about bowl sizes and tobaccos

    wow nice 'plug'. very convenient :clap: :rofl:
  11. hawk60ce

    This is to funny

    If you look at the guy who looks like hes actually a tribal person in the background, he cant hold it in any longer at the end. freakin awesome!
  12. hawk60ce

    What to expect from a *.com estate pipe?

    +1 dave you could try a salt treatment first. just to see what might happen as it would probably be cheaper than shipping.
  13. hawk60ce

    GBD Flame Brain

  14. hawk60ce

    Confussed about bowl sizes and tobaccos

    I tend to go aros in my large pipes. and your right flakes in my narrow bowled pipes. just my experience YMMV
  15. hawk60ce

    Learning to Fly (New Article from Greg Pease)

    Great article. Especially for those of us who still consider ourself new like myself.
  16. hawk60ce

    New old Trypis Pipe.

    Nice looking pipe. Hope it smokes well for you. It's amazing how many makers there are out there. Seems like I learn of s new one every day
  17. hawk60ce

    Two New Estates

    I like the one on the left. Nice looking finds
  18. hawk60ce

    Today At The B&M

    @foggy- not upset, just with inflation alone i didnt over pay. I smoked it yesterday at work and it smoked wonderfully. Was easy to clench, didnt get hot and smoked to the bottom. Sits just fine with tobacco in it on not. Just a wonderful pipe and for $30 i couldnt be happier with it.
  19. hawk60ce

    Words of Wisdom on "Bad" Habits and Health Concerns

    My great great grandfather ''Papi'' died at the right bold age of 98 1/2 (actually on his half bday). he smoked king edward cigars like they were going out of style and drank whiskey for medicinal purposes.