I'm a young guy with a beard, I really only get positive reactions, which is funny, because I try and smoke the nastiest smelling tobaccos when I'm in public in an effort to keep people away from me.
The patent number dates the WDC to around 04/26/1932. If you've never involuntarily twitched from happiness, you're missing out.
Good on you for stepping your online interactions up a notch!
I'm seriously so happy, I'm twitching.
Beautiful Peterson Meerschaum.
WDC Milano, this is such a sweet pipe, check out the patent stamp too.
Brebbia sent from heaven.
Holy shit, marmal4de has a cob now!? Yes, a badass one.
Welcome to the dark side, I recommend buying tins of blending latakia and perique, it's really easy to boost blends with them (bowl by bowl is how I do it). Try 10 Russians, Bow-Legged Bear, Penzance, Commonwealth Mixture, Balkan Flake, and Pirate Kake.
If you were to go to school to become a baker, your body would naturally adjust to the change in sleeping schedules, if you went to school for culinary arts, you would develop the skills needed to survive in a kitchen. If you were born with these skills and abilities, you wouldn't need to worry...
This seriously drives me nuts, I consistently skip your posts because of it (no offence intended, of course), and that makes me sad. As for your conundrum, I am 100% with big van on the last page.