I was a Scout. I still have (and read) my Boy Scout Handbook. Troop 99 Boulder Dam Council. I also was a Leader on a week-long Scout Camp to Catalina Island for my nephew's troop. He made Eagle. Overachiever. :P
GLP Key Largo - holy crap this is good! Impressions: black coffee, chocolate, maduro cigar leaf, cool, Bogart, E.G. Robinson. You know, this Pease guy might just know a thing or two about tobacco blending. :puffy:
I've got a half tin of Christmas Cheer 2000 left. Definitely not a sugar plum kind of blend but just straight, high end Virginia. The catsup smell has long went away leaving just well-aged flakes of Va. yummyness.
It's been a good soaking rain out here in the Great Mojave Desert. More Grousemoor in the pipe. Coffee is done for the day. It's 15 Year Single Malt Glenfiddich now. :puffpipe:
Black Cavendish would work. Drugstore burleys such as Sir Walter and Prince Albert are also known to be good blending tobaccos. I like my English powerful but I would think Cavendish would sweeten things up a bit and the burleys would add a nice "nutty" balance to the latakia. Good luck.
My local B&M has a large cache of Samuel Gawith tins. I picked up a tin of Grousemoor. First time with this 'baccy. I think we have a winner here. :puffy:
I had the pleasure of smoking one old, dry pouch of Balkan Sobranie 759 before it went away forever. There was something "there" that I have not found since. Was it the Yenidje leaf? Could be but I have a tin of Black House on the way and I am looking forward to seeing how it compares to my...