You being a cigar smoker I would recomend Cornell & Diehl Billy Bud. I think its a nice contrast between cigars and pipes due to it have a nice bit of cut cigar leafs in it. You can get it at Here with a fancy tin of 8 bucks or Here with the same amount of tobacco just in a ziplock bag for 6.
The Savinelli Roma's are also sandblasted. I think it looks like a nice basket style pipe. I have several that are great smokes and look great like Cortez. That website Cortez posted is a great one to look up pipes on and then look a little further on Google about the pipe makers.
I tried the Apricots and Cream this morning and it was very good. Burnt very cool and was SWEET. Actually it was a little to sweet for me this morning so I sat it down half way and will probably return to it in another hour. I'm having a cook out today so I'll bust out the Summer Time 2010 as...
I have the same problem. I have been eying it for a while now and haven't had any Cornell and Diehl aros so I thought I jump on the first one that sounded good. I also have had nothing with apricot in it so thought it was a good choice. I haven't ordered any aros in a while so I thought I pick...
I prefer smaller bowled pipes but I have recently started to expand to some larger ones. I will say that for me larger bowls and tend to smoke cooler since I smoke a tad on the fast side anyways. I have purchased 2 Bjarne giants, 1 Savinelli Hercules, 1 Bari, and 1 Barling. I have been happy...
I just picked up a tin of this stuff on and was wondering if anyone has tried it out yet. I also picked up some Cornell and Diehl Apricots and Cream to try out. If anyone has tried anyone one of these out yet let me know.
Will I live at the beaches and had a couple buddies talking that this would be an awesome idea. We are in our 20's so if you don't mind some younger faces I think I could get a couple. I got 3 to 4 guys that would more than likely be in for it.
Just like cigars white is good. Actually white on cigars means that they were aged and kept at just the right humidity level. Like igloo said just don't smoke the green stuff. Blue is only good on cheese.
HAHAHA. I love the excitement and the anticipation of waiting for your package to arrive. I have always done a lot of online shopping but it seems I have a package arrive once a week to every two weeks now(all pipe related). I find the most exciting to wait for are the packages with new blends...
Then I'm in the same position as you. I it use to test, so I guess that makes me disrespect it in some regards since I don't like it enough to smoke it on a regular basis?
I don't know of any better modern alternatives for cobs. Ya you can get a cheap estate pipe but you still got some flavor and smells of other tobaccos. To me the cheapest pipe I have found new that still smoked good was a $35 Savinelli but that still doesn't beat $8 for a taste testing cob pipe.