I left out this morning and forgot my bowl full of Sir John's Flake Virginia in the Altinok. Thankfully, I had a tin in the car that had been there at least 6 months. I drug a cob out of the golf bag. I was in business.
My take away from all this is you have a pretty good life if your biggest bitch is changing the formula on your butt soap. I find Neutrogena body wash to my liking. My butt has registered no complaints.
Amazon. I think Pleasant Valley is the brand I've orchard and been happy with. I buy the ones with zip lock but definitely heart seal above the zip lock. I use a clothes iron, has worked well. You want oxygen for aging, I wouldn't vacuum seal.
I believe Virginias burn hotter. Not so hot though you should see your bowl get hot. They're so tasty, hard to smoke slow. No matter how slow you think you're smoking a Virginia, smoke slower. Sip it like a fine bourbon.