Love me Zippo. Onto my third in 20 years or so. One lost, one knackered. They are crap at pre light though. But after that amazing. Bit more expensive in UK.
Do what You need to do and don't get angry if You have an odd tab. I tried cigarettes and just couldn't get in with em. Probs summit to do with me lobster hands!! Just preferred the taste and feeling of smoking me pipe. Suppose am lucky.
Just do what Ye need to do. Very best wishes
I am a fan of L'Anatra & Moretti. Savinelli are fab too. There is a Ser Jacapo on the GQ Tobaccos website. Keep trying to get Sam to drop the price a bit. Always a Peterson fan & Northern Briars. All quality
Now listening to Moby Reprise. So relaxing. I ain't doing great mentally at the moment. You lot, by letting me be part of the Forum, are helping me so so much. Thank You All G
280 miles from London. We border Scotland and supposedly have funny accents. I think we sound normal. For such a small country our accents change quickly/dramatically as ye move around.
Again, sorry if am doing summit I shouldn't. I probably couldn't name a pipemaker by looking at a pipe, apart from Peterson (Holy Pipesmoking Grail). But can any of You name this pipemaker??
Plus me with a smile.