Does Mac Baren Golden Extra need some age before it becomes a very good tobacco? I tried it fresh from Smokingpipes and it seemed a little boring. I know this blend has been recommended here from time to time.
They are very interesting looking pipes and I think attractive although some may disagree. I read that this style was very popular in the 1970’s - 1980’s. Maybe that’s why I like them haha. I’ve bought a few recently.
there are a number of older threads on here about PH and Ben Wade pipes if...
After Ray47 and Cosmicfolklore among other recommended Pegasus, I've found it to be one of my favorite tobaccos. But now that I know about it and since it sometimes goes out of stock, we should keep this a secret among ourselves. Shhhs....!
Freedom At Midnight about the end of the British Raj and the independence of the states of India and Pakistan. I must admit my ignorance of this major event; I didn't even remember that Gandi was assassignated.
I heard the David Lynch movie was absolutely terrible, even worse than the new version. My son agreed with those opinions. I have not seen it, however.
I go from maybe half cigars and half pipes to almost 90% pipes as it gets colder and I can't smoke outside as comfortably. I like sitting by the fire and smoking my pipe almost as much as I like sitting outside on my deck.
Haha very true. The Turn of the Screw is one of the best ghost stories I've ever read, along with The Haunting. Both are so much more than just horror stories.