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  1. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking? March 2020***

    C&D Oriental Silk, tweaked with P&C's DFK, in a no-name Santa Claus figural meer, with coffee and the morning paper.
  2. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking? March 2020***

    GLP Navigator in a Shakespeare figural meer by Bağlan, with coffee.
  3. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking? March 2020***

    A fellow member's experimental VaPer in a no-name Santa Claus figural meer, with coffee.
  4. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking? March 2020***

    C&D 2019 limited edition Sun Bear in a cavalier figural meer by Medet, with coffee and the morning paper.
  5. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking? March 2020***

    C&D Chenet's Cake in a meer Rhodesian by Yilmaz, with iced tea.
  6. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking? March 2020***

    Sutliff Match Elizabethan in a Tinsky Christmas 2011 edition sandblasted bulldog, with coffee.
  7. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking? March 2020***

    GLP JackKnife (rr) in a no-name Santa Claus figural meer, with coffee.
  8. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking? March 2020***

    GLP Embarcadero in a cavalier figural meer by Medet, with coffee and the morning paper.
  9. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking? March 2020***

    C&D Oriental Silk, tweaked with P&C's DFK, in a no-name Santa Claus figural meer.
  10. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking? March 2020***

    A fellow member's experimental VaPer in a cavalier figural meer by Medet, with coffee.
  11. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking? March 2020***

    C&D Bayou Morning in a Shakespeare figural meer by Bağlan, with coffee and the morning paper.
  12. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking? March 2020***

    GLP Embarcadero in a no-name Santa Claus figural meer, with iced tea.
  13. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking? March 2020***

    Sutliff Match Elizabethan in a floral/dragon motif meer by Hüseyin, with coffee.
  14. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking? March 2020***

    A fellow member's experimental VaPer in a Shakespeare figural meer by Bağlan, with coffee.
  15. cortezattic

    Hello from Switzerland!

    Welcome to the forums!
  16. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking? March 2020***

    10yr. old C&D Bayou Morning in a no-name Santa Claus figural meer, with coffee and the morning paper. A very smooth, strong, tasty, and oh, so funky kick-start for the first smoke of the day. This pipe is huge, though extremely light weight, and never fails to remind me of Jesse.
  17. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking? March 2020***

    C&D Oriental Silk, tweaked with P&C's DFK, in a no-name classic claw & egg meer, with iced tea.
  18. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking? March 2020***

    GLP JackKnife ready rubbed in a Shakespeare figural meer by Bağlan, with coffee. [/I]
  19. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking? March 2020***

    GLP Navigator in a cavalier figural meer by Medet, with coffee and the morning paper.
  20. cortezattic

    ***What Are You Smoking? March 2020***

    GLP Navigator in a no-name Santa Claus figural meer, with coffee.