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  1. Doctor Chopper

    ***What Are You Smoking, Nov. 2024?***

    Start of the East Flake in a skull meer
  2. Doctor Chopper

    ***What Are You Smoking, Nov. 2024?***

    International in a Peterson system pipe. I usually hate the pouch tobacco, but it is nostalgic making me remember my grandfather doing the codger scoop.
  3. Doctor Chopper

    ***What Are You Smoking, Nov. 2024?***

    EMP in a Peterson rusticated Canadian
  4. Doctor Chopper

    ***What Are You Smoking, Nov. 2024?***

    International blend from Iwan Aries & Co. in a Nording. Given this blend with the purchase of a new pipe last week.
  5. Doctor Chopper

    ***What Are You Smoking, Nov. 2024?***

    Flake Virginia in a lattice meer
  6. Doctor Chopper

    ***What Are You Smoking, Nov. 2024?***

    EMP in an Oliphant
  7. Doctor Chopper

    Lost Package?

    I notice that @woodsroad has not denied the presence of bodies on his land…. Just sayin’
  8. Doctor Chopper

    Acrylic Stems vs Vulcanite Stems: A Comparison

    I never heard or thought about the quality of acrylic. I assumed the acrylic plastic was the same for all manufacturers. Thanks for posting this.
  9. Doctor Chopper

    Lost Package?

    Final Final, this time I mean it Final update: SP contacted me today stating the package was returned to them. I was going to tell them to recharge me and send it on to me, but I noticed the pipe was back on their site. I did not want it to be purchased whilst I was playing email tag, so I...
  10. Doctor Chopper

    Chemical Tongue Bite?

    Listen up - Global tongue bite is real! There is man made heating of the tongue. You burn your fossil fuels in your lighters and it heats the tongue. There is a rise in CO2 and chemicals that reaches the tongue causing a rise in saliva levels and desertification of taste buds. This will lead...
  11. Doctor Chopper

    MM Genuine Hardwood Insert Fix?

    I also do not like the thick lines. I went to the factory to pick out ones with nice lines because of this trait. I know most can't do that, but in the end it is a cob. 🤷‍♂️
  12. Doctor Chopper

    Acrylic Stems vs Vulcanite Stems: A Comparison

    $.02 - I don't really care, but mildly prefer Acrylic because my eye tooth marks up pipes quickly. The only stems that cause me any problems and require high maintenance are my Pete's. They discolor very quickly for me. Does anyone else notice this with the Pete's or is it just me?
  13. Doctor Chopper

    Chemical Tongue Bite?

    A good article on tongue bite:
  14. Doctor Chopper

    Chemical Tongue Bite?

    The tongue is a super specialized muscle. Its sensory intake is different. The Peterson P-lip was made to avoid this problem, whether it be heat or chemical - likely a mixture of both. Heat is a major factor in tongue bite. The burn takes time to heal as the OP describes with his experience.
  15. Doctor Chopper

    ***What Are You Smoking, Nov. 2024?***

    Oriental Silk in a Peterson system pipe
  16. Doctor Chopper

    Hi from Seattle

    Sounds like you jumped in the deep end! This photo was taken while traveling through the Cascades to visit my daughter who lives in Edmonds.
  17. Doctor Chopper

    Hallo from NJ

    You sir, are either a liar or an amazing individual! The self control! I have not heard from any other forum member who has controlled their PAD and TAD. PLease enlighten us on how you accomplished this monumental task. Are you an alien? Superman?