Local English blend in a Savinelli series iii bent brandy. This is my first time smoking an English blend. It's not too bad, but I think that I prefer aromatics and burleys.
Lol, I found this picture off of some random forum I was scrolling through. The picture on Morgan site of the bones pipe are so vague. It only shows the pipe from one horrible angle.
This is not my picture, but one I found. I absolutely love the way this pipe looks. My question is this the lil bent dublin that is currently on the website or some other model?
I agree with everybody else. I would constantly get tongue bite and have frequently relits until I learned how to dry my tobacco and pack looser. Also don't forget tamp.
Yeah just a small town filled with good Ol' country folks
Never tried an English blend, only burley and aros. I know alot of people dislike aromatics but the smell is what drew me to pipe smoking.