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  1. smoky.flannel

    Effect of Different Pipe Types

    What width would you consider wide? any recommendations?
  2. smoky.flannel

    Effect of Different Pipe Types

    could you link the section?
  3. smoky.flannel

    Effect of Different Pipe Types

    ok, this is off topic to my original post, but could explain flakes to me. I understand that it's a different style of tobacco, but that's about it.
  4. smoky.flannel

    Effect of Different Pipe Types

    So, pretty new to pipe smoking and very new to trying to learn more. Obviously there is a huge variety of pipes and styles, but I'm wondering if that actually effects the experience or if it is purely an aesthetic and capacity difference.
  5. smoky.flannel

    Hello from Michigan

    Great, thanks for the recommendation I will certainly check it out!
  6. smoky.flannel

    Hello from Michigan

    Hello all, pretty new to pipe smoking, although I've owned a pipe and smoked it occasionally for a number of years. I have a friend who is showing me the ways and he's gifted me a few pipes. I'm mostly on the slightly sweeter stuff right now, although I'll venture a bit darker here and there.