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  1. Fo0zle

    Didimauw's One Meer for One Year Redemption. 12/15/2022

    Great thread. Really makes me want a Meerschaum even more than I already did. Any recommendations for which ones to look out for? I’ve seen some folks say the best ones are just no-name finds from eBay. Is that really true? I’d rather spend more up front to end up with something that’s...
  2. Fo0zle

    Pipe Myths

    That’s an old trick for breaking in pipes and building up carbon cake AFAIK. Some people will rub a super thin layer of honey on a new bowl before they smoke it. I don’t like sticky fingers so I’ve never tried it lol.
  3. Fo0zle

    new member

    Hi and welcome from Western NC!
  4. Fo0zle

    What Do You Do After Major Upgrades?

    You take your pipes apart after every smoke? Yet another pipe myth. People say only take pipes apart when you absolutely have to. Out of all the hobbies I’ve dabbled in, this one is probably the most dominated by misinformation.
  5. Fo0zle

    What Do You Do After Major Upgrades?

    What do you mean by keep them clean? It seems like everyone means something different by that, and certainly the VAST majority of advice out there says that pipes should be rested. It seems everyone has a different rule and also doesn’t explain the reasoning behind said rule. Everyone says...
  6. Fo0zle

    What Do You Do After Major Upgrades?

    This myth runs deep. It’s even in the descriptions on lol. I went back to a tab I had open for a pipe I was eyeing and sure enough, it’s right there in the description.
  7. Fo0zle

    What Do You Do After Major Upgrades?

    Add that to the pipe myths thread lol. I’ve always heard they’re good for trying out a lot of blends because they don’t ghost.
  8. Fo0zle

    Tell Me About Electric Guitars

    In my experience (20+ years), there are two main things that cause people to stop practicing and/or quit guitar entirely. Those are: 1. The setup of their guitar, as you mentioned 2. Having uninspiring tone. Even beginners don’t want to listen to a guitar that sounds like crap. It’s no longer...
  9. Fo0zle

    Tell Me About Electric Guitars

    Here’s a comparison between the plugin and the real $2500 amp. Tone king plugin
  10. Fo0zle

    Tell Me About Electric Guitars

    Recording or not, with plugins you’ll have great tone to practice with. You won’t get anywhere near the kinds of tones from a cheapo amp that you would from a Neural plugin, especially if we’re talking headphones and silent practice. You could have an interface and a neural plugin for around...
  11. Fo0zle

    Tell Me About Electric Guitars

    Before you go down any rabbit holes with chasing good tone with headphones for silent practice, just get an inexpensive used USB interface and get the free trial for the Neural DSP Tone King Imperial MKII plugin. They let you try it for a week. It sounds fantastic. Basically any cheap...
  12. Fo0zle

    Greetings from Scotland

    Hello and welcome from North Carolina USA! I’m working on the breath method too. I can do it, but I’m still trying to find tune my pacing. I end up getting a pretty big nicotine buzz about halfway through each bowl and have to stop for 5-10 minutes. Granted I’ve been primarily smoking medium...
  13. Fo0zle

    What Do You Do After Major Upgrades?

    Yeah I think I’ll just get rid of the two worse pipes and grab a cheap corn cob for aromatics in the meantime. Then I can save up a bit of money and get another similar Savinelli. I quite like the look of the Clark’s Favorite. Anyone have one? I’ll probably stay loyal to Savinelli for briar...
  14. Fo0zle

    What Do You Do After Major Upgrades?

    My first one is an in-house pipe from a B&M shop (AKA a no-name pipe with the name of the shop stamped in). It’s a bent horn shape. The shape is the primary reason why I don’t like it. I find it clenches awkwardly and looks bad on me. The secondary reasons are that the bowl is tapered in such...
  15. Fo0zle

    What Do You Do After Major Upgrades?

    So I’ve found myself in a situation where my newest pipe smokes at least twice as good as my other two. The difference is so glaring that I find myself struggling to be disciplined enough to rotate my pipes. What do you do when a new pipe just puts everything else to shame? Do you immediately...
  16. Fo0zle

    Beginner Perspective of Peterson's Nightcap

    I smoke Nightcap late at night in the dark outside while I let my dogs do their business before bed. I think it has a really lovely flavor. Part of me wonders if the folks who think it’s nothing but a palate destroyer are smoking it too fast. Or maybe smoking it out of a nosewarmer or...
  17. Fo0zle

    Pipe Myths

    Interesting. Must not make it to search engines. I never saw it as a suggestion when I was googling about the best ways to light a pipe. Are they mentioned in the guides here?
  18. Fo0zle

    Pipe Myths

    1. Maybe not a myth as such, but a lot of the YouTube pipe crowd seem to perpetuate this idea that you should strive to smoke the bowl all the way down without needing to relight. In reality it’s pretty common even for very experienced pipe smokers to relight several times. And even more...
  19. Fo0zle

    What Music Are You Listening To? - January 2023

    Blood Incantation - Hidden History of the Human Race
  20. Fo0zle

    Howdy from Western NC

    Here’s my new Dolomiti 106. I love it so far. Such a great smoke. Wondered if you guys thought it’s a good idea to avoid aromatics like the Autumn Evening I just got until the pipe is broken in more? Savinelli either puts a bowl coating or pre-chars the bowl, so I thought maybe the break in...