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PipesMagazine Approved Sponsor

  1. C

    Spotted...In The Wild!

    They are rare but there is actual people that will get you and dont have any problem with that.. aslong as you atleast say something before you leave 😅 Pic talen just a few seconds ago btw. HELLO MY NAME IS CHRISTOFFER AND I WOULD LIKE TO BE ANONYMOUS!!
  2. C

    Spotted...In The Wild!

    Witch is kind of a hat but no. Its definitely not a hat. Besides, all of them look the same.. booring
  3. C

    Spotted...In The Wild!

    I wouldnt go as fas as aaying im a loner.. theres just not enough people that can stand me for any longer period of time 😅 but i do enjoy my own company, everybody shuld be comfortable just being by them self and no electronic stimulation, atleast får a couple of days. But honestly i dont think...
  4. C

    Spotted...In The Wild!

    I smoke pipes in public, a also am a dog owner so i tend get noticed while walking him. In sweden pipe smoking is for some reason associated with hasch smoking, but since i dont walk around excersising my dog while smoking cannabis i dont realt care what others may think. But to make it obvious...