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  1. R

    Is a Peterson System Standard Better Than Other Pipes in its Price Range?

    Well worth a read before lighting up a Peterson System pipe. Understanding how the P Lip and the System work and the additional minor disciplines required of the smoker were key to me forty five years after first rejecting the P Lip, and as a consequence the System resulted in me two weeks after...
  2. R

    Advice on Reducing Glossiness of Finish on New Briar Pipe

    Thank you, I’m obliged.
  3. R

    Advice on Reducing Glossiness of Finish on New Briar Pipe

    It’ll dull down in time with smoking. Good looking pipe, love the fat apple bowl. A Question? I've never owned a Pipe of that stem length and therefor never looked for pipe cleaners capable of cleaning a stem like that shown in pointlineplane‘s photograph, are they readily available?
  4. R

    Does Anyone Else do This?

    And both still in production, like many others I knew Vick was still around and popular but was surprised when googling for the correct spelling of Sloans to write of here that it also is still being manufactured. My grandmothers usage of the new fangled Vick whenever my grandfather got sick...
  5. R

    Does Anyone Else do This?

    Saving pipe dottle, blimey that’s really taking recycling very seriously🧐 I do have a relative by marriage whose parents both pipe smokers saved pipe dottle and applied it warm externally to their throats and chests as they swore it was better than a well known vapour rub for colds and sore...
  6. R

    UK Pipe Smokers

    Probably more pipe smokers than you might think all of us listed somewhere or other on a government security website as potential subversives.
  7. R

    Anyone Have Any Idea About This Meerschaum Lined Pipe

    I’ve one only meerschaum lined pipe, an Italian made Lorenzo Spitfire which I bought very cheaply from a tobacconist when I found myself out for the day with tobacco and lighter but no pipes which I’d left on the hall table. Twenty odd years later I’ve still have the Lorenzo which smokes as...
  8. R

    New Strange Pipe, Jeantet Smarty

    I’ve a Jeantet quarter bent Rhodesian ‘Jubilee Oil Hardened‘ pipe which I bought as a little smoked estate pipe for €35, the seller was as good as their word and the Jeantet has proved to be an excellent addition to my pipe collection. Jeantet are or perhaps were an old French manufacturer of...
  9. R

    Is a Peterson System Standard Better Than Other Pipes in its Price Range?

    Lets put it this way, i attempted to smoke P Lip System pipe more than forty five years ago and failed, my next attempt was two weeks ago after buying a new old stock System pipe at a knock down price. Before I fired up I read everything I could find about the P Lip and the System pipe, once...
  10. R

    Thoughts on The Chair?

    Smokers Bow Chairs are commonly becoming known as Captains Chairs in the UK and some countries of Europe because of anti smoking sensibilities. It‘s doubtful that a Captain ever sat on one of these chairs unless it was in a pub between voyages as because of their all fitted and glued strength...
  11. R

    Thoughts on The Chair?

    A Smokers Bow Chair at my desk and the same again but with a Windsor Hoop Back next to the stove. A smokers bow chair because its what my grandfather a pipe smoker sat on next to the fire all the years that i knew him and because the armrest height is exactly right to be able to rest an elbow on...
  12. R

    UK Pipe Smokers

    I’m from Windsor in the UK but have lived on the island of Cyprus for the last twenty five years where there’s a pipe club that has just short of 500 members, if they are all active members, pipe smokers I couldn’t say. I know a dozen or so members did and perhaps still do meet regularly in...
  13. R

    A question about an old tins of Bell’s Three Nuns!

    I'm very much risk adverse when it comes to pipe tobacco having lived through the banking crisis earlier this century when supplies of pipe tobacco almost stopped completely on the island of Cyprus in the Eastern Medetteranian where my sadly lovely now late wife came from where we and now only I...
  14. R

    Falcon Pipes

    I‘ve four straight and eight bowels and have smoked Falcons for more than fifty years during which time I’ve tried a wide variety of tobaccos of all types without any problems at all provided the aluminium stem and base bowl are kept clean and as dry as is possible. If you are a wet smoker I...
  15. R

    New Zealand - Pipe Tobacco Guidance Sought.

    Actually yes I do and there’s not a day goes by that I don’t say thank you for the life I’ve had the wife I was married too and the children and grandchildren we had. If you’ve ever seen the film ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding’ you’ll know something of my experiences but they were far more Cypriot...