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  1. r4wk5t4r

    trade in programs?

    You mean I should do that before shipping to smokingpipes or selling in general?
  2. r4wk5t4r

    Learning Different Styles/Blends

    thank you. Yeah I like EMP. Haven't tried Elizabethan yet. I think 965 was not bad too.
  3. r4wk5t4r

    Learning Different Styles/Blends

    Lots of awesome suggestions from everyone and I really appreciate all the help I think I’ll watch the most popular tobaccos being sold on smoking pipes and choose things from there in different categories. Excited to keep exploring!
  4. r4wk5t4r

    Learning Different Styles/Blends

    Tried bookshop a few times and wasn’t a fan. It’s probably the one thing I’ve had so far I’m not interested in more of. I’ll check out the other two though. Thank you!
  5. r4wk5t4r

    Learning Different Styles/Blends

    Never knew that’s what caused the spins. Haven’t had a problem with that though fortunately. I usually have coffee or tea or something along with the pipe though. Just part of the enjoyment.
  6. r4wk5t4r

    Learning Different Styles/Blends

    Good suggestion, thank you! I think maybe part of my problem is that I have time for maybe 1 pipe per day so sometimes it’s a bit between when I taste different blends and recalling specifics for comparison can be tough.
  7. r4wk5t4r

    Learning Different Styles/Blends

    Thank you. That list will give me a good basis to start from!
  8. r4wk5t4r

    Learning Different Styles/Blends

    Thank you! All good tips!
  9. r4wk5t4r

    trade in programs?

    Good to know! Mine are in good, but used condition. Didn’t know if I needed to ream and clean and deoxidize and all that first
  10. r4wk5t4r

    Learning Different Styles/Blends

    Thank you! Yeah I’m looking forward to the journey but also a little overwhelmed. Even taking about the “broader brush” for example, do I like English blends? I don’t know, what defines an English blend? What are some examples of very popular, indisputably English blends? Same question for...
  11. r4wk5t4r

    trade in programs?

    Yeah probably more mid level. Maybe a Dunhill or castello or two. Something like that.
  12. r4wk5t4r

    trade in programs?

    It was an arbitrary number for purposes of illustration
  13. r4wk5t4r

    Learning Different Styles/Blends

    So I'm just still exploring all the different offerings out there and its a bit overwhelming. I have a hard time being able to remember which is what so I'd love to be able to create a sort of baseline to grow from. Is there a general consensus for a typical virginia/vaper/burley/oriental/etc...
  14. r4wk5t4r

    trade in programs?

    Hi all. I want to thin the herd some but it seems like cleaning, polishing, photographing, posting, messaging, negotiating, etc numerous pipes requires more time than I care to devote at the moment. Anyone have any good experience with a trade-in or commission program somewhere in particular...
  15. r4wk5t4r

    Replacement Dunhill stem

    PM sent. Thanks!