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  1. GreatWhiteNorthPiper

    Hello from Vancouver, BC!

    Welcome from Toronto! Great to see a fellow Canuck on here. And yes, the current tobacco situation for Canadians is truly awful.
  2. GreatWhiteNorthPiper

    Too Many Open Jars/Tins In Rotation?

    I have probably 40 jars that I try to rotate, but I just can't stop buying more new tobacco. It's a real problem (ha ha ha!). Given that I live in Canada, I'm trying to just stock up on as much leaf as I can while I still can!
  3. GreatWhiteNorthPiper

    FS: Various aromatics Canada (02/07/25)

    Bump. Willing to lower prices on combined orders. Please dm me.
  4. GreatWhiteNorthPiper

    Hello from Winnipeg

    Welcome from Toronto! Great to see a fellow Canuck on here!
  5. GreatWhiteNorthPiper

    FS: Various aromatics Canada (02/07/25)

    Greetings fellow pipe smokers, Several aromatics, mosty in jars, for discussion as per below. Shipping in Canada only please. PM if interested. 1 x 2 oz. Tin of Peterson Summertime from 2015 - $40 1 oz. Dan Tobacco Milonga - $20 4 oz. Boswell's Sweet Tea - $80 2 oz. Carter Hall - $40 2 oz...
  6. GreatWhiteNorthPiper

    Canadian Import Advice Help - Tax was 200%!

    100% agree with this. They have way too much power to do as they please and there literally is no rhyme or reason for how they apply duty. It seems totally unregulated, which is the ultimate irony, since they are supposed to be regulating tobacco products and enforcing the law as written. This...
  7. GreatWhiteNorthPiper

    Vauen Sale at TP and CoJ

    Looks like these websites are blocked for Canadian smokers, such as myself. Bummer. Vauens are my favourite brand of pipe.
  8. GreatWhiteNorthPiper

    Finished the Man Cave/Smoking Lounge

    That is my dream! Well done!
  9. GreatWhiteNorthPiper

    Canadian Import Advice Help - Tax was 200%!

    I personally feel that the border customs agents have no idea what they are doing. Sometimes the duty I pay is huge, other times, it's like $25, no matter what I order. There seems to be no logic to the duties that are imposed. And it's a huge pain to question it, which is why feel they simply...
  10. GreatWhiteNorthPiper

    ISO Fusilier's Ration (01/08/25)

    If anyone would be willing to part with a can or two of this fine blend to send to this tobacco-starved Canadian, please reach out. Edit: added a date to the title/Al
  11. GreatWhiteNorthPiper

    Hi from Vancouver Canada

    Welcome from Toronto! Great to see another Canuck on here!
  12. GreatWhiteNorthPiper

    STG closes Mac Baren and Sutliff

    Sorry to hear about this. Just my luck that tobacco, whch is already ridiculously expensive here in Canada and hard to get, is going to get even harder to find. Someone doesn't want us smoking this stuff folks...
  13. GreatWhiteNorthPiper

    Irishman from Canada

    Welcome from Toronto! Where in Canada are you located?
  14. GreatWhiteNorthPiper

    Do You Reuse Mason Jars?

    Just wash 'em out real good and you're good to go. Maybe replace the lid part with the seal if you're worried about aromas transferring to the new tobacco.