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  1. fishnbanjo

    A Dunhill Set (1925)

    Just stunning! banjo
  2. fishnbanjo

    A Bit About Bits

    Well, don’t that beat all, learned a new one today! Thanks. banjo
  3. fishnbanjo

    A Bit About Bits

    Even if I’m not holding onto the pipe? I always considered clenching to have a decided tooth hold of the bit hence deep tooth marks and chewed stems, my way is free floating due to the gap. banjo
  4. fishnbanjo

    A Bit About Bits

    I neither chew my bits nor clench so a majority feel fine as long as they can hang using the inside of my upper teeth and allowing it to hinge on my lower teeth, I have a minor gap and most fill it easily and some actually allow the pipe to swing opposite of how my head turns. banjo
  5. fishnbanjo

    Morta PAD

    Won’t have it for probably 7-10 days but this is the latest, a Morta Poker Sitter with 3 knuckle bamboo shank by Michigan Pipemaker Russ Cook. banjo
  6. fishnbanjo

    Great smoke

    Warmest stretch in a very long time, probably will cool off again with the impending rain front coming in. Keeping it smokey with some 4 y/o Luxury Navy Flake in the gnarly Butera Billiard, regards. banjo
  7. fishnbanjo

    Sizes of Mouthpiece/Stem/Bit

    Wide and skinny. ;) banjo
  8. fishnbanjo

    Any good ways to cure/curb PAD?

    Tobacco purchases, TAD, you’ll need some to smoke. ;) banjo
  9. fishnbanjo

    Chilly morning smoke

    Two other shots of the pipe, contact him the pricing is extremely competitive. banjo
  10. fishnbanjo

    Chilly morning smoke

    No, most of my Fly Fishing is done in my head these days, I do have a couple of people I will be teaching how to cast so that will be fun, regards. banjo
  11. fishnbanjo

    Chilly morning smoke

    Currently keeping it smokey with some 4 y/o Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake in the Morta Nautilus with Tortoise Shell colored stem by Croatian Pipemaker Marinko Neralić. Weather still very chilly with nighttime temperatures in the 40’s, might not get the tomato plants in the ground for...
  12. fishnbanjo

    How Many of You Like Silver Trim on Pipes?

    I have quite a few with silver and several with gold, lovely accent. banjo
  13. fishnbanjo

    First Morta in awhile

    I’ve had this since last summer and once winters winds rolled in I stopped smoking my Morta and best grade briars sticking with Cobs and some of my metal pipes with an occasional Meerschaum until the really cold temperatures rolled in. We had a very wet Spring and only one day thus far into the...
  14. fishnbanjo

    Pipes & Cigars Special

    P&C is having a Special on Mac Baren Pipe Tobacco, buy 1lb of Tobacco and get a Ceramic Jar for only $5, got the last lb of Roll Cake! banjo
  15. fishnbanjo

    First Morta in awhile

    From RobE’s Art in Michigan comes this elegant Acorn Morta with mostly grey coloration and streaks of chocolate and black, the accent is black acrylic with specks, and tiny streaks of white, the stem is several shades of grey with some white Cumberland. Keeping it smokey with some 4 y/o Peter...