My fondness for the delicious, fragrant, goodness of Buoy Gold is as well established as my certain faith that ancient Pre 54 Algerian briar is the best briar for a pipe.
I feel pity for my friends who’ve not discovered them yet.
But when I was a boy I learned to hand roll a cigarette using OCB papers and Prince Albert, Velvet, or Half and Half. It takes time to smoke a bowl in a pipe. Then I got a Bugler roller that made better cigarettes than I could ever hope to roll myself.
Today in the mail came a $75 cigarette roller, that if you smoke even a few cigarettes you should have. Even if you don’t smoke cigarettes you should own one as something to entertain your friends that do smoke cigarettes.
A six ounce package of Buoy Gold (or Red, Blue, or Silver) costs five bucks plus tax.
A package of 200 Golden Harvest tubes is about $2.50, plus tax.
Buying in quantity reduces the price, slightly.
The federal tax on a package of cigarettes is one dollar, or ten dollars a carton. The huge tobacco companies pay that tax, and pass the cost along to you.
$7.50 of Buoy and Golden Harvest tubes, makes one carton of delicious smokes.
There are a lot of cigarette machines on the market, but the $75 Powermatic IV is as much fun as owning your own pinball machine. It is absolutely magical to use. It’s semi automatic, but you make a perfect cigarette as fast as you can lift the lever and place a tube on the spout.
The next time the hirelings of Big Tobacco in Congress raise the tobacco tax it is a certainty they will tax all loose tobacco to equalize the taxes paid on a package of cigarettes.
You can roll a better tasting package of cigarettes for about three quarters of the federal tax on a factory package of cigarettes.
This will not long continue.
But on this day, for about the cost of one carton of cigarettes you can buy a Powermatic IV and enough tobacco and tubes to roll a carton, and from then on roll your own smokes for about three or four cents each and smile from ear to ear doing it.
You want one of these, although you may not realize it yet.
Do it while it’s still legal.
The gubbermint and Big Tobacco will certainly tax these out of existence soon.

I feel pity for my friends who’ve not discovered them yet.
But when I was a boy I learned to hand roll a cigarette using OCB papers and Prince Albert, Velvet, or Half and Half. It takes time to smoke a bowl in a pipe. Then I got a Bugler roller that made better cigarettes than I could ever hope to roll myself.
Today in the mail came a $75 cigarette roller, that if you smoke even a few cigarettes you should have. Even if you don’t smoke cigarettes you should own one as something to entertain your friends that do smoke cigarettes.
A six ounce package of Buoy Gold (or Red, Blue, or Silver) costs five bucks plus tax.
A package of 200 Golden Harvest tubes is about $2.50, plus tax.
Buying in quantity reduces the price, slightly.
The federal tax on a package of cigarettes is one dollar, or ten dollars a carton. The huge tobacco companies pay that tax, and pass the cost along to you.
$7.50 of Buoy and Golden Harvest tubes, makes one carton of delicious smokes.
There are a lot of cigarette machines on the market, but the $75 Powermatic IV is as much fun as owning your own pinball machine. It is absolutely magical to use. It’s semi automatic, but you make a perfect cigarette as fast as you can lift the lever and place a tube on the spout.
The next time the hirelings of Big Tobacco in Congress raise the tobacco tax it is a certainty they will tax all loose tobacco to equalize the taxes paid on a package of cigarettes.
You can roll a better tasting package of cigarettes for about three quarters of the federal tax on a factory package of cigarettes.
This will not long continue.
But on this day, for about the cost of one carton of cigarettes you can buy a Powermatic IV and enough tobacco and tubes to roll a carton, and from then on roll your own smokes for about three or four cents each and smile from ear to ear doing it.
You want one of these, although you may not realize it yet.
Do it while it’s still legal.
The gubbermint and Big Tobacco will certainly tax these out of existence soon.

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